REVIEW of the final qualifying work Poluyanova Xenia Nikolayevna graduate direction "Sociology" profile "General sociology" Scientific adviser: Ph.D., Associate Professor SV Rasskazov on the theme: "Innovation management in the commercial organization" Final qualifying work affects an important and challenging issue of research and innovation management. Experience the rich industrialized countries of the world shows that innovation increases competitiveness of companies, contributes to long-term sustainable development and the reduction in their social conflicts. However, in Russia this reserve to improve the overall well-being is weak demand. Among the reasons for this - "absent-mindedness" of sociological knowledge about the nature of innovation in scientific literature and the lack of information on actual practice (and not only successful) management in today's business organizations. Thus, the theme FQW KN Poluyanova seems to us to date. The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusions and applications. In the introduction the actuality of the topic, formulated the goal and objectives of the study. All the provisions set forth quite clearly. The first chapter includes theoretical and methodological foundations for the study of innovation. It first disclosed in detail the interdisciplinary nature of innovation, and are associated with different views (the economic, the managerial, sotsiologichekomu) their definitions, classifications and types. Then, given a sociological study of innovation management. During the analysis, the author uses the work of Schumpeter, Drucker II, AI Prigogine, P. Sorokin, T. Parsons, R. Merton, John. Alexander and R. Dahrendorf and other scientists. When sociological understanding problems of innovation are mainly used, the provisions of structural functionalism, neo-functionalism and conflict theory. Their connection with the organizational culture that supports innovation. In general, the content of the chapter provides high-quality theoretical and methodological base for the next two parts of the study. In the second chapter of the many "faces" of the general problem the author highlighted the issues related to the innovative susceptibility, resistance to innovation, their underlying causes and management techniques in a commercial organization. Analysis of innovation management system in the commercial organization is based on the activity approach. It considers the importance of trust in the process of innovation. Disclosed depending on the specific business of the main innovations of the control strategy. The third chapter is original and contains material that is of undoubted practical interest. In this part of the FQW carried out a study of innovation management systems of different species in two commercial companies (retail stores and commercial bank). They studied the level of innovation susceptibility and resistance of employees to innovation, as well as the main problems in their implementation. It is important that the findings characterize the opinion as an ordinary, so executives. The study formulated management recommendations. In conclusion, we state the main results of the work. Perhaps this should not lead to a number of explanations, because they have already been made earlier. The Appendices present research program, questionnaires and interview guides used in the survey of employees and managers, as well as some not included in the main text of the tabular results of the study. As a relatively new, interesting and little-studied issues in sociology, innovation management topic in a commercial organization is difficult and so it is natural there are some issues that should be understood rather as suggestions than as a comment: 1. SRS author rightly notes that "innovation and their implementation in the organization are also a certain kind of conflict, namely the conflict between existing technologies, stable structure, values, etc. and their changes. " The operationalization of the above, in our opinion, may be the study of contradictions goals of the organization and values of employees (terminal and instrumental purposes - values) using network analysis. However, this research line has been worked out in detail. The same can be said about the risk, which invariably accompanies the process of innovation. 2. The number of surfactants used the concept of efficiency. For example, in the second chapter, speaking of "the effective result in innovation management system" does not provide any formalizing performance indicators (similar to the third chapter). 3. In the case study presented in the third chapter, used qualitative research methods and mainly descriptive statistics. The questionnaire and guides noteworthy much "of managerial" trend. In our opinion, in the chapter result would look more convincing if they complement the analysis on the basis of quantitative methods such as factor analysis. The comments do not reduce the overall high level of meaningful final qualifying work. The work is interesting and leaves a good impression. In this study, the author formulated a common problem of innovation management, which then was successfully concretized in relation to a commercial organization. The problem is studied theoretically and directly to Russian companies present proposals for a solution. FQW Poluyanova Xenia Nikolaevna on the theme "Managing Innovation in a commercial organization" meets the requirements of SPSU to the final qualifying works, deserves a high positive assessment, and its author - Poluyanova KN "Bachelor of Sociology" is worthy of the title of the award. Reviewer: Department of Applied and Industrial Professor sociology, Doctor of Sociology P.P Derugin "10" May 2016