p / p, Indicators Based on a 5-point scale 1-5 1 Evaluation of the relevance of the selected theme 5 2 The degree of completeness of the theoretical overview and status issues on the WRC 4 3 level and the correct use of the sociological research methods 5 4 The extent of the validity of the conclusions and recommendations, as well as the reliability of the results 5 5 Clarity, clarity and consistency of presentation 5 6 The possibility of practical use of 5 7 Quality design explanatory notes (the general level of literacy, writing style, quality of illustrations, matching the requirements of these documents) 5 8 The volume and quality of graphic material, to comply with the notes text and standards 5 9 The originality and novelty of the scientific and applied results The final grade of originality, 5, 92% FINAL EVALUATION 5 Comments to the estimates: 2. In our opinion, in the theoretical part should be more attention to be given to the diffusion of innovation and the impact on their social networks 4. The validity of the findings and recommendations, as well as the reliability of the results provided by sociological research conducted by the author in two Russian commercial organizations. 5. It is desirable to formulate practical recommendations in more detail and systematically. 6. proven tool to assess the readiness of the organization's staff to innovate. 9. Novelty of the Final qualifying work (FQW) are: - A Study of resistance to innovation and innovative passive personnel of the organization. - The practical novelty is the results of sociological research of the author's own FQW process- and product - innovation in retail stores and a commercial bank. The novelty of administrative decisions is contained in the recommendations made by the results of the analysis conducted by the author of sociological research. While working on the FQW Poluyanova KN It has proved itself as an active creative artist. Of the total innovation management problems she identified for the sociological understanding of issues of resistance to innovation and innovative passive personnel of the organization. Research practices on the stated theme in two commercial organizations in St. Petersburg carried out independently by the author; produced interesting new results. Author of the FQW soundly studied Russian and foreign sources on the topic of work. Tasks performed head, but excessive autonomy does not always produce the best results. The comments (better to say - wishes) do not reduce the overall positive impression of the work. Final qualifying work Poluyanova Xenia Nikolaevna on the theme "Managing Innovation in a commercial organization" is executed at a high level, has a high quality theoretical base, has obvious practical importance, supported by its own original research of the author. FQW complies with the requirements for final qualifying bachelor's work in St. Petersburg State University, and deserves an "excellent".