Review of final qualifying work of student IV year history of the Institute of History in St. Petersburg State University Shuvalova Anastasia Nikolaevna on the theme "St. Petersburg almshouses in 1721 - 1750 years: the beginning of the charity system in Imperial Russia" Author final work A.N. Shuvalova claim to a bachelor's degree and presents to the Commission, as well as the reviewer independent scientific research. His independence and high scientific level is determined, first of all, a solid source base, which is based on archival materials; a considerable part of them, of course, the first time introduced into scientific circulation. However, no student spent counting, but, judging by the list of the materials used in the 14 funds 5 archives of St. Petersburg and Moscow (total 118 cases). The author studied the outlet works is not only familiar to most historians legislative and clerical sources, foreign notes and writings A.N. Radishchev, but not as common in the thesis work cartographic and pictorial sources. The breadth and diversity of source base clearly shows the interest of students in science, as well as its desire and ability to work. However, the scientific novelty of this work lies not only in the fact that its author was able to find and collect a lot, even for bachelor work a huge variety of sources, but also the fact that these sources are used skillfully, sometimes even very original. As a result, the paragraph was very interesting, to answer questions about how to look metropolitan poorhouse. The culmination of the investigation, it appears, are the sections that are devoted to paintings and confessional metric books as sources for the history of St. Petersburg almshouses, and also tell what people are and how to fall into the poorhouse. They contain unique information about the life and fate of members of the lower classes, got to the northern capital in the first half of the XVIII century. The structure of the work seems quite logical. It includes all the necessary formal sections. List of sources and literature is rich and extensive, in general, he skillfully decorated. Summary of the work and the author's conclusions are reflected in the three publications. At the same time, we have a young, aspiring researcher, and, naturally, his final qualifying work is not without drawbacks. First of all, the language and style of work, to put it mildly, far from perfect. In particular, we need to learn to retell literate modern Russian language documents of the XVIII century. Some words from archival sources A.N. Shuvalova's just not fully understood. For example, on sheets of 54 - are "retired soldiers" 66 section, dedicated to the characteristics of the population almshouses, but from the service, they were "left behind" - 55, 57-59, 62, 64. Plan the main part of the work looks not fully considered and ranked. Central second chapter studies the volume is almost two times more than the first and third together, besides the title of the second chapter is almost identical to the name of the work. I'm not sure also that the list of sources and literature was used to specify the meaning of the sheets of archival affairs and give a long list of non-standard name. It only aggravates the final section. I have no doubt that the aforementioned disadvantages A.N. Shuvalova's easy to grow, especially if the highest priority will be given to language and style. These shortcomings in any case not lower the dignity of work. Final qualifying work turned out very interesting. I must confess that, for many years engaged in "adjacent" theme, even could not imagine that the history of St. Petersburg almshouses 20 - 50-ies XVIII century. You can collect as much of the material, the more that it, this story almshouses can be so interesting. Diploma work has high scientific novelty, it deserves the highest praise, and A.N. Shuvalova that the Commission noted the high scientific level of its work. Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of Russian History in Herzen University T.G. Frumenkova 05.05.2016