SAINT ST. PETERSBURG STATE UNIVERSITY Review of the supervisor for the student's graduation thesis Venediktov Evgeny Nikolaevich on the topic: "Non-material Motivation of Café and Restaurant Choice by Students of St. Petersburg State University". Level of Education: Bachelor's Degree Field of study: 39.03.01 "Sociology". Main educational programme SV. 5056.2017 "Sociology" Profile 01 General Sociology The diploma study analyses the non-material motivation of students in the choice of cafes and restaurants. It is a complex process requiring analysis of many factors and time commitment. The student coped with this task successfully. High practical value of the research is complemented by concise presentation of the material and well chosen examples. While doing his graduation thesis Venediktov E.N. has shown initiative and independence in carrying out research. He proved to be thoughtful, competent specialist, able to solve various difficult tasks both theoretical and practical. Demonstrated himself as a creative researcher, able to carry out scientific work independently and at a high level. The work is written logically and coherently. The completed work is fully compliant with the objective and is a complete study. The validity and persuasiveness of the facts indicate the completeness of the research presented in the research paper. The design of the work meets the accepted standards. Thus, the thesis by Venediktov E.N. is relevant, has considerable theoretical and practical value, and is executed in accordance with the SAC requirements at the appropriate scientific level. The author deserves an "excellent" grade. Supervisor: Belova M.V. (signature) date: "27" 05 2021