Saint Petersburg State University Review Scientific Advisers On the master's thesis Students Efimova Eugenia Dmitrievna Topics Name: " Knowledge management in commercial organisations: network approach" The Master's program "Sociology of organizations and management staff" Direction: 39.04.01 "Sociology" Assessment master's thesis № p / p Indicators Based on a 5-point scale 1-5 1 Evaluation of the relevance of the selected theme 5 2 The degree of completeness of the theoretical overview and state of the problem relating to the thesis 5 3 level and the correct use of the sociological research methods 5 4 The extent of the validity of the conclusions and recommendations, as well as the reliability of the results 5 5 Clarity, clarity and consistency of presentation 5 6 The possibility of practical use of 5 7 Quality design explanatory notes (the general level of literacy, writing style, quality of illustrations, matching the requirements of these documents) 5 8 The volume and quality of graphic material, to comply with the notes text and standards 5 9 The originality and novelty of the scientific and applied results, % 5 96% Comments to the estimates: 9. The novelty of the thesis are: Scientific novelty consists in the sociological understanding the contribution of formal and informal networks to solving the problem of knowledge management in a commercial organization.  The practical novelty are: the author proposed a technique that allows to explore and take into account the impact of social networks in the knowledge management problem in a commercial organization; developed by the author of sociological tools and the results of its use of social research in one of the Russian enterprises. The novelty of administrative decisions is contained in the recommendations made by the author according to the analysis conducted by the sociological research. Note: The main results have been published and presented at national and international conferences: Kovalevsky readings in 2015 and eighth sociological readings in 2016 .. While working on a master's thesis Efimov ED It proved to be a creative artist. A Case Study in the enterprise carried out by the author alone. The author of the dissertation has studied a lot of Russian and foreign primary sources on the topic of work. Jobs head served in a timely manner, in full, with the initiative, and his comments are always taken into account. It shows independence, which has contributed to the achievement of the maximum result. Master's thesis Efimova Eugenia Dmitrievna on the theme "Knowledge management in the commercial organization: the network approach" is executed at a very high level, it has a high quality theoretical base, has practical significance, supported by its own original research of the author. Thesis meets the requirements in the St. Petersburg State University for a master's thesis. Efimova ED should be awarded the degree of Master of Sociology, and her Master's thesis - evaluation of "Excellent". Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Social management and planning _________ /_S.V. Rasskazov / "26" May 2016