REVIEW of the master's thesis graduate of the Master's program "Sociology of Organizations and personnel management "(direction 39.04.01" Sociology ") Efimova Eugenia Dmitrievna on the theme: "Knowledge management in commercial organization: the network approach" Supervisor: Associate Professor, Ph.D. SV Rasskazov Publications on the issue of "Knowledge management in the commercial organization" is often found in modern domestic and foreign literature. However, from a sociological point of view in this subject there were many "gray areas". Meanwhile, the social interaction of the company's employees have a significant impact on the level of professional knowledge and skills and thus - on the competitiveness of the commercial organization and its long-term sustainable development. In social science network interactions are well understood in theory and have tools that allow them to visualize and quantify. There is a shortage of real practical examples of the application of general theoretical propositions and their interpretation. Material master's thesis under review contributes to filling this "niche" and, ultimately - growth rates of commercial organization. Thus, the thesis is relevant. The work consists of an introduction, three chapters of the main text, conclusions, bibliography and multiple applications. The Introduction clearly defined goal and a dissertation problem, object and subject, as well as other necessary components of the introductory part of scientific research. In the first chapter reveals the first stages of development, the basic theories and concepts of the sociology of knowledge. The author analyzes the work of A. Schutz, P. Berger, T. Luqman, Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx, as well as the contribution of other famous scientists. Among them is specified theoretical and methodological basis of the master's thesis. Next, a description of the knowledge management system. This sets out the approach to the definition of the concept of knowledge management, a classification of knowledge in the organization, revealed the structure and function of knowledge management systems. The author focuses on the description of the role of staff in the process of knowledge management. It emphasized the need to create conducive to the creation of knowledge of the organizational culture, which is an important element of knowledge networks and social networks. Thus, in the first chapter describes the object of study and a thesis prepared base for the following parts of the work. The second chapter covers the basics of network approach and its application to knowledge management in business organizations. Author presents qualitative understanding and the current state of network theory in sociology, social networks and network analysis. Used by M. Castells, B. Wellman, Bourdieu, M. Granovetter and other researchers. The author justifies the use of sociological network approach to knowledge management in business organizations. The possibility of the impact of the social network indicators on the economic efficiency of the staff. According to the classification considered highlighted areas of concern the organization of studies for which you can apply methods of network approach. Examples, case studies, which are used in network analysis methods and software for the calculation and visualization of quantitative indicators. Thus, in the second chapter describes the master's thesis research subject and prepared the base for a sociological study of knowledge management practices in a real commercial organization. The third chapter provides an analysis of the materials and case study knowledge management system. Materials are original chapter. It is proposed, and step by step the technique of the sociological analysis of knowledge management system based on a network approach. A sociological tools for its implementation. The method was tested in a real business organization. The study formulated recommendations to management and knowledge management features are marked in different types of business organizations. The Opinion sets out the basic results of the master's thesis, and in the Annexes are given study program, the texts of the questionnaires and coefficients table. Rather, as a wish for the future, and not as comments advise the author of the work pay more attention to the following issues: - The author drew attention to "certain differences in knowledge by comparing a control system of a large industrial organization and finer occupying services." However, a detailed investigation of "certain differences" and their impact on the knowledge management system is not working. - It is a scientific and practical interest to disclose the problem of preserving the knowledge possessed by the top managers of the organization and its key employees, as part of a more general corporate governance topics (in particular, through the stimulation of participation in the ownership of the company). Master's thesis Efimova Eugenia Dmitrievna on the theme: "Knowledge management in the commercial organization: the network approach" is an independent, original and complete scientific studies carried out at a high theoretical and analytical level. These results can be classified as new, sound and of practical and scientific significance. Master's thesis is written and framed in a scientific style, its provisions are clearly defined and consistent with the objectives of the study. For characteristic of the logical sequence and interrelationship of all its structural elements. I believe that its relevance, scientific novelty, the volume of studies, their level of methodological, theoretical and practical value of the results obtained master's thesis Efimova Eugenia Dmitrievna meets the requirements for a master's thesis and its author deserves the award of the degree of Master of Sociology. Performance measurement - "Excellent." Reviewer: Associate Professor, Department of Economic Theory and Application the economy of the North-West Management Institute RANHiGS under the Russian President, Candidate of Economic Sciences, AD Shmatko