The work on a clear logical plan is independent and creative. The author of a thorough in-depth analysis of the main aspects of the education system in Germany and is ideally matched with the education system in the Russian Federation. Made in the conclusions on the improvement of environmental education in the Russian system based on best practices in Germany have merit and may be useful for improving Russian legislation in the field of education, as well as in the implementation of international cooperation among countries in this area. In the process of writing the work was used sources in English and German languages, among which are translated into Russian for the first time, which undoubtedly increases the significance of the research. I think that in general, the work meets the requirements, can be admitted to the protection and commendable, and its author - Shashlakova Daria - assign a master's degree in "International Relations". Recommended rating: excellent Ph.D. in Law Ermolina M.A.