REVIEW in the master's thesis graduate of the Master's program "Sociology of Organizations and personnel management "(direction 39.04.01" Sociology ") Dukhno Tatiana Olegovna on the theme: " Workforce as a subject and participant of corporate governance" Supervisor: Associate Professor, Ph.D. SV Rasskazov Master's thesis involves an important and challenging research topic of the staff participation in the management of enterprises. Western experience shows that such participation contributes to the long-term sustainable development of the Company and a decrease in their social conflicts. However, in Russia this reserve increase general well-being was not in demand. The thesis Dukhno TS reveals the potential of worker participation in corporate management, investigates the status of this problem at Russian enterprises, and on this basis, an attempt is made to give recommendations for its resolution. The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusions and applications. In the introduction the actuality of the topic, formulated the goal and objectives of the study. All provisions set out quite clearly, although some wording could be better expression to the author. The first chapter includes a description of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of corporate governance. Used by E. Freeman, J. Habermas, Luhmann, and other well-known scientists. The content consistently disclosed the essence of the corporation as a social institution, concepts and models of corporate governance and their sociological interpretation of international standards and codes that regulate the process control technology of interaction with stakeholders. An important sociological factor in forming a full-fledged corporate governance is a reproduction of trust between the participants. Feels writer's interest in the subject in question and the desire to present all information known to him. However, sometimes it is done somewhat haphazardly. Thus, in the first chapter describes the object of study and a thesis prepared by the theoretical basis for the following parts of the work. In the second chapter first introduces the understanding of the staff, disclosed characteristics and evolution of the modern views on it from the "workforce" - to "staff". Used work as recognized classics (Marx, F. Taylor et al.), And contemporary researchers (ZT Toshchenko, Latfullin GR et al.). The basis of the material in this chapter is on the forms and the global experience of the staff participation in the management of companies. Traditionally, employees of the company are treated as an object and subject of corporate governance. In addition to these, the author highlighted the indirect participation in the management (labor collective as a "Party"), implemented, for example, by a collective agreement or works councils. Overall, in the second chapter describes the master's thesis research subject and laid the foundation for social research practices of the staff participate in the corporate governance of actual companies. The third chapter is original and contains material of great interest. The author gives the results of his own research workforce participation in corporate governance. It was carried out at the enterprise, Perm and St. Petersburg a large shipyard (the last - in the group). The labor collective has been studied from the standpoint of the subject, participant and object management. Analysis of the survey data of employees and interviews with top managers (Perm) discloses the reasons for non-participation of the direct employees of both companies in corporate governance and supervision, forms of indirect participation, the nature of their interactions and relationships with management, as well as deepen understanding of many other aspects of the topic. It is important to correctly and that the views of both sides identified participants of corporate relations. In general, the potential of the research much more than is used by the author. In conclusion formulated results. They might be described more clearly and fully. The Appendices present questionnaire used in the survey of employees and managers, interview transcripts, as well as some not included in the main text of the graphic results of the study. Subject participation of the workforce in corporate governance is difficult, and therefore quite naturally raises some questions: 1. In the first chapter it would be desirable to allocate more space to theoretical sociological basics, such as confidence and self-government. Especially, in the second chapter, they are in the author's attention. 2. The winning, original and undoubtedly interesting material self-author of the study is set out is not always structured, holistic, clearly. The same applies to the recommendations and conclusions. The content of the third chapter is oversaturated details that complicate the perception of a common meaning. 3. The text of Chapter 1, it is not clear to what the author thought that "as a regulatory framework may be, for example, Immanuel Kant's ethics." 4. General presentation of the work looks a bit "chaotic" (such as repeated references to the German model of corporate governance (in Chapter 1 and Chapter 2)..); style and presentation of the individual parts of the text could be more perfect; The first illustration in p. numbered. In general, there is a fairly high level of informative thesis. Master's thesis Dukhno Tatiana Olegovna on " Workforce as a subject and participant of corporate governance" is an independent scientific research completed. In it the author formulated the problem of workforce participation in corporate governance. She studied theoretically and directly at the Russian enterprises. The above case study the actual practices in enterprises can be classified as an original, and the results - both informed and have practical value. The main provisions of the master's thesis formulated set in its objectives are fulfilled. I think that the Master's thesis Dukhno Tatiana Olegovna on "labor collective as the subject of corporate governance and the party" meets the requirements for a master's thesis and its author deserves the award of the degree of Master of Sociology. Subject to the successful defense of the work can be exhibited positive assessment. Reviewer: Associate Professor of Economic Theory and Applied the economy of the North-West Management Institute RANHiGS under the Russian President, Candidate of Economic Sciences, AD Shmatko