Reviewer's response On the dissertation composition on competition of degree of the master In the History direction 46.04.01 Master History program Malkova Marina Nikolaevna "Anatomic collections in the Russian museums" Anatomic collections as museum pieces in Russia – the subject taken for the dissertation composition by Marina Nikolaevna Malkova is rather original. Specificity of an object of research allows to make work many-sided, having paid attention not only stories of emergence of such collections, but also to searches and working off of techniques of their production and long storage, and also various ways of exhibiting and use for the didactic purposes. All these directions demand rather broad possession of special literature. As the main direction of the work the author chooses emergence history in Russia of anatomic collections and begins the composition with chapter about Cabinet of curiosities the first museum of our country. M. N. Malkova's independence according to the chosen subject isn't subject to doubt. She uses books of the authors long ago having fine reputation (for example, T. V. Stanyukovich which century we this year note), and also the books of the Netherlands historians L. Koymans and Y. Drissen-van which are rather recently translated to Russian хетт to Reva, got approval at experts. The list of references accompanying work of the author of dissertation enough is big, but could be even fuller. The author of dissertation refers to several works, published in regional editions which authors not always have an opportunity to base the conclusions on work with archival materials, results of what the inaccuracies which have removed and in the reviewed composition are. It causes a regret because creation of Cabinet of curiosities and formation of her anatomic collections repeatedly served as a subject for the solid, supported with historical documents books and articles. Chapter 2 is allocated by the author for the university anatomic museums. The author tells a story of their formation and emphasizes a main goal and a general orientation on improvement of training of students. The role of outstanding anatomists and doctors in multiplication of exhibits which happened as due to transfer to this or that museum of the preparations made their own hands and due to donation or leaving of memorial things and books is shown. The provided list of the university anatomic museums is rather extensive and can be interesting to historians of medicine. The chapter 3 is devoted to the museum of hygiene founded in our city in October, 1918 and aiming promoting of the knowledge especially necessary at that time. The exposition showed the importance of social and municipal hygiene, importance of fight against skin and venereal diseases. The urgent need in promoting about public hygiene periodically arises in events, adverse for the country. Presently it is possible to consider actual educational work of the museum with school students and students. In chapter 4, considering modern anatomic exhibitions, the author mainly pays attention to a magnificent constant exhibition of Army medical college "Body of the person". She deserves separate attention as it is made exclusively professionally and gives the chance to listen to excursions of teachers of academy. M. N. Malkova has paid much attention to this exhibition and has even carried out questioning among her visitors. Studying of specifics of perception by visitors of the offered exposition by method of social and psychological technology of collection of information is always rather productive. It is very valuable also in this concrete case, some fear causes only small number of supervision. The composition "Anatomic collections in the Russian museums" executed by Malkova Marina Nikolaevna is written in good Russian, shows knowledge of literature of a subject, shows interest of the author and an initiative. It is the independent work conforming to requirements imposed to the dissertation compositions executed on competition of degree of the master in the direction 46.04.01 history, the master History program. The leading keeper of anatomic collections of Cabinet of curiosities – Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of the Russian Academy of Sciences A. B. Radzyun