Review of final qualifying work trainee Spsu Sumeckoj Catherine Dmitrievna, on the theme "the role of destructive leaders sports teams ' Final qualifying work e. Sumeckoj is devoted to an actual problem of leadership in sports teams. The author as the subject of the study chose destructive leadership phenomenon, which attach great importance to Western researchers. One of the methodological research tools destructive leadership is a questionnaire in. Teppera (published in the work of j. Barling, 2014). The author translated the questionnaire and had done the initial work on his initial adaptation. From the points of the original methodology adapted version included 8 questions (Alpha Kronbaha 0.53). For the pilot study is an acceptable level of consistency of the scale. It was further explored the relationship of the components of a destructive leadership with sociometricheskim status. It turned out that the behavior of the athlete leadership associated with the destructive components. It was further explored the relationship of the components of a destructive leadership with sociometricheskim status. It turned out that the athlete's behavior components of a destructive leadership related to the extent to which it has become the choice for spending free time. The looser connection destructive leadership with partnership in the training process, which is highly regulated. Thus, destructive leadership increasingly affects informal communication outside of the training process. Completely natural development study destructive leadership was tracking his relationship with team roles (m. Belbina technique). The least destructive were athletes in team roles, Coordinator of the generator of ideas, diplomat, related to the integration of teams and innovation, the most destructive-athletes in team roles and motivational expert (expert) focused primarily on task. Confirmation of the validity of the scale of destructive leadership is that the amounts received from all other team members evaluations destructiveness lead athletes in the role of the critic, and the lowest total evaluation of destructiveness get athletes the key for team building as Coordinator. Summing up the discussion of the work, it should be noted the novelty of empirical results and practical value of the work is primarily for trainers. The disadvantages of work can be attributed to the negligence of registration and availability of grammatical errors in the text. The work as a whole deserves evaluation "good". «May 29, 2018. _ Lovуagina A. E.