The noted merits of the work: the author made a detailed analysis of the stock and published materials on the work of enterprises in the gold mining industry in Russia and abroad. The paper makes a good attempt to take into account both the existing practice of handling various types of waste, and the current trends in the development of environmental legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as technological innovations that can lead to a change in the current situation. The findings are supported by specific examples, as well as calculations and factual data on recycling opportunities. The noted shortcomings of work: The object of analysis is one of the most sensitive industries, whose enterprises are located in regions remote from the urban infrastructure, where it is extremely difficult to expect a drastic reduction in the negative impact on the environment, or the rapid development of waste use, so some of the author's conclusions seem obvious. Also, it should be noted some negligence in the design, when the tables are given directly from sources in the form of drawings with small print. Reviewer's conclusion Despite the mentioned shortcomings, I believe that the goal and objectives of the work were fulfilled in full, a large amount of work was done, new knowledge was gained on the resource-saving opportunities in the gold mining industry, and Stanislav Dmitrievich Makarov's final work meets all the requirements for final qualification work and deserves a "good" grade.