SUPERVISOR'S REVIEW ON THE MASTER THESIS Theme of the master thesis: "Ethno-contact zones as a factor in the emergence of national geopolitical projects, case study of the Balkan region" Author (name): Marinina Polina Vladimirovna Educational program: The main educational program of the Master's degree "Social Geography" Level: Master degree Supervisor: Klokov Konstantin Borisovich Professor of the Department of Regional Policy and Political Geography of St. Petersburg State University, Doctor of Geographical Sciences Requirements Meets Meets mostly Do not match • the ability to correctly formulate and set tasks (problems) of their activities when performing WRC, analyze, diagnose the causes of problems, determine their relevance Meets • establish priorities and methods for solving the tasks (problems) Meets • be able to use, process and analyze modern scientific, statistical, analytical information. Meets • Possess modern methods of analyzing and interpreting the information received, assessing their capabilities in solving set tasks (problems) Meets • be able to rationally plan the time of the work, determine the correct sequence and volume of operations and decisions when performing the task; Meets • the ability to objectively evaluate the results of calculations and calculations Meets • ability to analyze the results of data interpretation Meets • know and apply methods of system analysis; Mostly meets • be able to conduct interdisciplinary research Meets • be able to make independent, substantiated and reliable conclusions Meets • • to be able to use scientific literature of a professional orientation Meets • to be able to apply modern graphic, cartographic, computer and multimedia technologies in the study; Meets • be able to use cartographic methods using GIS Meets Noted advantages of work Thesis completed by P.V. Marinina is devoted to the actual and rather complex topic, with which she successfully coped. In the course of working on the thesis she showed independence, erudition and systematic in carrying out the tasks set. She collected and processed a large array of demographic statistics, as well as a significant number of text sources in different languages. She has shown professionalism both in the processing of quantitative data, skillfully using the cartographic method for processing statistical indicators, and in working with text sources. The text of the work is clear, logical, stylistically correct. The conclusions are well argued. Reported deficiencies of work The work is done professionally, and there are very few shortcomings in it. There are errors in the numbering of figures (there are no figures 12 and 13, the references to figures 4 and 7 are incorrect). There are a number of typos in the text. The author's conclusion that the constitutional changes DO NOT HELP the resolution of ethnopolitical conflicts (p. 67) seems excessively categorical, although one can fully agree with the author that such changes do not eliminate the CAUSES of conflicts, and this is convincingly demonstrated in the work. SUPERVISOR’s conclusion: If the defense is successful, the thesis can be evaluated "excelent". SUPERVISOR Doctor of Geographical Sciences Professor of the Department of Regional Policy and Political Geography, Saint-Petersburg State University K.B. Klokov June 11, 2018