SCIENTIFIC ADVISER´S REVIEW OF THE BACHELOR GRADUATION WORK The graduation work topic is «Estimation of the elms condition in the greening areas in the Central District of St. Petersburg». Author: Baraeva Olga K. Institute of Earth Science, specialty 05.03.2002 Geography, Bachelor´s programme. Scientific adviser: Fatianova Elena V., PhD in Biology, associate professor of the Department of biogeography and nature protection. Justification of the topic. Elms - one of the most common tree species in the gardening of St. Petersburg. While in the city continues to actively spread the Dutch disease - vascular mycosis, causing the rapid death of most of the infected trees. The need for a detailed examination of elm plantations of the Central District has long been ripe, in connection with which such a work seems relevant. Sufficiency of material and processing methods: For one field season, Olga collected a large and high-quality material, necessary and sufficient for the preparation of the graduation work. Significance of results. The identification of all elm trees present in the landscaping of the Central District and the determination of their condition, including the degree of defeat of the Dutch disease, substantially complements the data on the quality of the green plantations of St. Petersburg and provides valuable material for the design of measures to combat the spread of Dutch disease. Of particular value is the assessment of the condition of varietal elms, as a number of varieties are derived as resistant to Dutch disease in European countries, but at the moment, the effectiveness of their planting in St. Petersburg is questioned. Evaluation of the work process: Training Requirements: To be able to correctly formulate and set tasks (problems) of one's activity when performing graduation work, analyze, diagnose the causes of problems, determine their relevance - Relevant Establish priorities and methods for solving set tasks (problems) - Relevant To be able to use, process and analyze modern scientific, statistical, analytical information - Mostly correspond To possess modern methods of analyzing and interpreting the information received, to evaluate their capabilities in addressing the tasks (problems) - Relevant To be able to rationally plan the time of performance of work, to determine the correct sequence and volume of operations and decisions in the performance of the task - Relevant Be able to objectively evaluate the results of calculations - Relevant Be able to analyze the results of data interpretation - Relevant Know and apply methods of system analysis - Relevant To be able to carry out interdisciplinary research - Relevant To be able to make independent substantiated and reliable conclusions from the work done - Mostly correspond To be able to use scientific literature of a professional orientation - Relevant To be able to apply modern graphic, cartographic, computer and multimedia technologies in the study - Relevant To be able to use cartographic methods using GIS - Mostly correspond The noted advantages of the work: the research was carried out carefully and responsibly, the materials were processed adequately for the solution of the tasks, the work is a good reserve for the continuation of the analysis of the condition of elms in St. Petersburg, in particular, varietal. The noted disadvantages of work: not all results of material processing are reflected in the text; there are small design flaws. The conclusion of scientific adviser: graduation work of Olga K. Baraeva is a complete scientific research and deserves an evaluation «excellent». Scientific adviser: PhD in Biology, associate professor of the Department of biogeography and nature protection, Fatianova Elena V. June 2, 2018