Theme of the final qualifying work: Minerals of the cancrinite group in alkaline pegmatites of the Kondersky massif Author: Kruk Mikhail Nikolaevich Institute of Earth Sciences (St. Petersburg State University) Main educational program 13.5018.1 Geology Bachelor's level Head: Antonov Andrey Alexandrovich, Department of Mineralogy, St. Petersburg State University, Associate Professor, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences ASSESSMENT OF THE CONFORMITY OF PREPAREDNESS REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AUTHOR OF THE EXHAUST QUALIFICATION WORK Training Requirements To be able to correctly formulate and set tasks (problems) of one's activity when performing WRC, analyze, diagnose the causes of problems, determine their relevance - correspond Establish priorities and methods for solving set tasks (problems) - corresponds to To be able to use, process and analyze modern scientific, statistical, analytical information - corresponds to To possess modern methods of analyzing and interpreting the information received, to assess their capabilities when solving the assigned tasks (problems) - corresponds to To be able to rationally plan the time of performance of work, to determine the competent sequence and volume of the operation and decisions in the performance of the task - basically corresponds to Be able to objectively evaluate the results of calculations and calculations - corresponds to Know and apply methods of system analysis - corresponds to Be able to carry out interdisciplinary research - consistent To be able to make independent substantiated and reliable conclusions from the work done - corresponds to To be able to use scientific literature of a professional orientation - corresponds To be able to apply modern graphic, cartographic, computer and multimedia technologies in the study - corresponds to The noted merits of the work: New data on the mineralogy of the Kondersky platinum-bearing massif are obtained. The author has mastered modern methods of studying matter. I managed to apply my skills when studying very complex minerals. The conclusions drawn are completely correct and interesting The noted shortcomings of the work: The author does not always manage to correctly present the results of his work. The conclusion of the leader: The work of M.Kruk corresponds to the requirements for graduation bachelor's qualification works, the author deserves an assessment of "excellent" and the award of the required degree of a bachelor of geology.