Graduation qualifying work "Gastronomic Portret St Petersburg" by Kaminskaya AR is devoted to the analysis of everyday nutrition practices of Petersburgers and belongs to the scientific field of economic sociology of nutrition. Its specificity is that the social processes of nutrition (what is called the sociology of nutrition) combine with the economic analysis of the production and trade of food products. This is its scientific novelty and significance. The task of the thesis was to draw a sketch (and not more) of a gastronomic portrait of St. Petersburg. It is clear that an integral portrait or photographic accuracy is beyond the scope of one thesis But in general, the author managed to fulfill this difficult and new task (in my memory there was not one such a thesis for the last 20 years). Although not all in the work turned out equally well. The first chapter presents theoretical approaches to the analysis of social nutrition practices, which represents the research methodology (functionalism, structuralism and materialism). In the second chapter, nutrition practices were considered in historical retrospect. This chapter also presents the results of our own empirical study, based on the sociology of taste by P. Bourdieu. 116 respondents (online questionnaires) and 10 interviews were interviewed. Here are some interesting trends that we actually expected to find: the rich and the poor feed almost equally badly; only the rich spend more money on food. The third chapter presents the economic component of the gastronomic portrait of St. Petersburg - it is shown that St. Petersburg and the region are not a self-sufficient region; in many ways they depend on food supplies. The food trade is heavily monopolized and divided between 10 large trading networks, which is a significant problem. Why is the topic of sociology of nutrition in St. Petersburg important? This is connected with public health problems, proper nutrition is a very important practical task, the fulfillment of which ensures an increase in life expectancy and improvement of its quality. The work is part of the research activities of the Department of Economic Sociology (grant RFBR "Everyday practices of nutrition and public health (by the example of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region), 2017-2019, the head Veselov Yu.V.). The work of Kaminskaya AR "Gastronomic Potsret St Petersburg" meets the requirements for bachelor degree in "Sociology" and deserves high grade (depends on successful defend).