REVIEW on final qualifying work of the student of St. Petersburg state University Vadim Shestopalov on the topic "media System of the Republic of Moldova: peculiarities of functioning of traditional and new media". The relevance of the work is primarily due to the ongoing process of transformation of the post-Soviet space, the search for effective ways to develop the statehood of the Republic of Moldova and the very important role of the media in this process. On the one hand, the media are trying to present to the public projects for the further development of the country, and on the other, to impose a particular position through the formation of public opinion, supporting the political and economic course chosen for the next electoral cycle. The paper presents all the main elements of the introduction. The urgency, scientific novelty and practical significance are indicated. The subject of the research is the coverage of major political events by the Moldovan media, and the aim is to identify the current trends in the functioning of the mass media of the Republic of Moldova. It can be noted that the content of WRC corresponds to the topic stated in the title, which is disclosed in the work. The author managed to reflect the most actual problems of theoretical and practical character in the functioning of traditional and new media. On the basis of the stated tasks, the author traces the stages of the formation of the Moldovan state, examines the historical, cultural, linguistic and political factors of the development of the Moldovan media, studies the political and legal aspects of the functioning of the modern Moldovan media market, analyzes the coverage of the presidential elections, studies the activities and political agenda of the new media The structure of the work itself is built in full accordance with the tasks and logical sequence. To implement the conceived author refers to a wide list of modern literature, qualified uses empirical material, quite boldly and reasonably resorts to original literature, original sources. For each Chapter of the work, the relevant conclusions are made, and the conclusion contains the generalized formulations of the tasks performed. The work is written in a language accessible to the reader, a good scientific style. The Annex offers graphic and illustrative material, expert commentary, which provides additional arguments. Significant advantages of the work is a logical sequence of problems, good structure of the text. The text is rich in information, rich in tables, charts, comparative digital data, reflecting the dynamics of the media market of Moldova. The author demonstrated the ability to creative, analytical work, the ability to explore the mass media product, to reveal the actual problems of theoretical and practical nature. Some of the advantages of the work are gradually moving into its shortcomings, and Vice versa. For example, the need for a lengthy immersion in the history of the formation of the nation and the state, the history of the birth and development of the Moldovan media raises doubts. Undoubtedly, this material forms an idea of the fundamental factors of development and the country and the media in modern conditions, but it was hardly necessary to pay more attention to these issues in the bachelor's work, which is very limited in volume. Requires additional author's comment consideration in the second Chapter of the features of the functioning of traditional and new media through the features of coverage of the presidential elections and the transition to a single-member system. In all likelihood, the identification of the peculiarities of media functioning goes far beyond the limits indicated in the campaigns. The goal pursued in the work is achieved, and the stated tasks are solved with good quality. We consider it appropriate to recommend Shestopalov V. to continue further training in the master's degree and to focus on research work. On the basis of the review it can be concluded that the final qualifying work "media System of the Republic of Moldova: features of the functioning of traditional and new media". meets the requirements for this type of work, and its author Vadim Shestopalov deserves a high positive assessment. "21" may 2018__________________ Professor. N. With. Labush