The final qualification work of Li Peiven is focused on the lexical and semantic analysis of the contextual synonyms of the thematic group “Nature” in the lyrics of S. Yesenin. This issue is relevant and new: during the last few years several scholars have been published the articles in which the phenomenon of contextual synonymy on the material of the poetic language (poetry of V. Mazin, R. Valeev, A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov and others) and prose (texts of A. Chekhov, D. Merezhkovsky, etc.). Appeal to the work of S. Yesenin and the synonymous series, united theme “Nature”, is due to the central place of this topic in the poet's works. The content of the final qualifying work of Li Peyven fully corresponds to the theme stated in the title. The structure of the work is justified by the tasks set. The research project of Li Peyven consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusions to them, a conclusion, a list of used literature, numbering about 40 items, and annexes. In the first chapter of the study, the theoretical basis of the work is built. The views of various linguistic scholars on the fundamental principle of the systematic nature of vocabulary (based on the works of DN Shmelev, IP Slesareva, FP Filin, and others) are compared, the concepts of the thematic, lexical-thematic group and synonyms are defined. The notion of a synonymic series is denoted, a classification of synonyms is given, including context synonyms. I want to emphasize the thoroughness and depth of analytical work with scientific sources. The bibliography includes both classical and modern linguistic works (from the latter we mention the articles by E. Putyatina, A. Pkhalagova, L. Borzykh, A. Volkova, and others). In a separate paragraph of the first chapter, the sub-item “Artistic text in the aspect of RAF” is highlighted, which raises the issues of teaching foreign students using an artistic text. A special place in the opinion of Li Peyven in the RAF study system is poetic text due to its saturation with images, a special function (aesthetic) and traditions of language use (p. 22). From the figurative means of the poetic language, Li Peiven focuses primarily on the metaphor, emphasizing that “in the lyrics of S. Yesenin a special role is played by the mystery metaphor” (p. 23). Finally, the analysis of Esenin's idiostyle features is completed: the poet's use of dialectal vocabulary, the construction of metaphors based on human interaction with nature and the surrounding world, the importance of color in Esenin's lyrics have been noted. The second chapter of the abstracted final qualifying work is devoted to the analysis of synonyms and contextual synonyms in Yesenin's lyrics. Li Peiven identifies synonyms and structures the synonymous series of nouns, adjectives and verbs of the thematic group “Nature”. The material of the semanticization of lexical units was the “Thematic Dictionary of the Russian Language” V. Morkovkina, “Dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian Language” Z. Aleksandrova, “The Great Synonymic Dictionary of the Russian Language” A. Kozhevnikov. Li Peiven divided the synonyms according to parts of speech (synonyms-nouns, synonyms-adjectives and synonyms-verbs). The author noted the predominance of nouns (174 lexical units) over adjectives (101) and verbs (115), respectively. In the group of nouns, synonymous series “Heaven”, “Dawn”, “Fog” and “Rainbow”, etc. were considered. From adjectives, synonymic series with dominants of color designation (“red”, “white” and “yellow”) were singled out. Three synonymic series of verbs with the meaning “Radiate and reflect light”, “Publish sound”, “Extinguish (about the light of the sun and stars)” were analyzed. The results of the analysis were also included in the Appendix. It is interesting to see the summary tables made by Li Peiven that demonstrate that the synonyms in Yesenin's lyrics are mostly authoritative, contextual, and often differ from the synonyms presented in the corresponding dictionaries: fog - birch milk, rainbow - heavenly rocker, fade - melt, foams, doze off . We will raise a few questions and remarks to the author of the work: 1) In the work the synonymic series for the word dawn and sky are considered in detail, as one of the most represented in Yesenin's lyrics. The author of the work, however, is limited to enumeration and semantization of contextual synonyms. I would like to clarify whether it is possible to single out common signs in these synonyms. For example, in the synonymous series, the sky, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, sky blue boards, a cup of sky, azure fabrics? 2) It is interesting to conclude that “the lexemes of the thematic group” Water Space “in the lyrics of S. Esenin are the smallest” (p. 40). Can the author of the work express his thoughts on the reasons for such a low number of lexemes of this group in Yesenin's poetry? Is this due to the abundance of lexemes and synonyms related to thematic subgroups of another element - air (the sky and dawn ranks)? The comments made do not reduce the value of Li Peiven's research and do not affect the positive impression of the work. We praise the courage of a young foreign scientist who analyzes poetic texts of high complexity. The plagiarism test revealed 24% of the text matches in the WRC, which consist of scientific clichés, research names, work titles and references to them. Quotations are issued in accordance with the rules, the design of the WRC meets all modern requirements. The topic stated in the title of the final qualifying work is fully disclosed, the set goal and objectives are fulfilled and found full reflection in the conclusions to the chapters and in the conclusion. The work is sustained in scientific style and shows a high level of proficiency in Russian. Li Peyven is perfectly fluent in the material being analyzed. The final qualifying work of Li Peiven deserves an “excellent” rating.