REVIEW for final qualifying work of the student of St. Petersburg state University Kim Dasil on the topic of "the Korean War 1950 – 1953 in the light of the media". The relevance of the topic of the WRC is due to a number of factors, among which are the dominance of the military-power component in modern international relations, the increasing impact of the manipulative influence of the mass media on public opinion and the use of mass media for the arguments and actions of politicians and the military in achieving national interests. In addition, we should take into account the proximity of the Korean Peninsula, the events that are developing in this region to the personality of the defender. Unfortunately, as presented in blackbone the text, we can't judge how determines the relevance of Dasil. It can only be assumed that for some reason (and they may be different, and technical and organizational) in the text of the work was not an introduction. Therefore, it is impossible to judge what is defined as the object and subject of research, what purpose the student sets himself, how much the tasks allow to achieve it. That is, in fact, the work can be evaluated only on the basis of the personal views of the reviewer about what and how Kim Dasil does in order to get a full-fledged final qualifying work. Although in fairness, it should be noted that some of the grounds for the evaluation of the reviewer's judgments contained in the conclusion, where the author writes about the achievement of goals and objectives. However, turning to the available text, it is still possible to make some judgements and conclusions about the quality of the WRC. First of all, about the structure of work. The author prefaced the analysis of mass media materials in the first Chapter with an address to the history of the war - versions of the beginning of hostilities, the process of the civil war in Korea turning into a regional conflict and its impact on the formation of military coalitions. In this part of the diploma the historical basis for research is brought. Maybe, for the theoretical justification of the bachelor level of WRC this is enough, but, apparently, the work lacks the theoretical basis on which the empirical analysis would be based. We can only assume what theoretical and methodological foundations could be used by the author in the field of geopolitics, journalism, theory of mass communications. All this could be presented in the theoretical part of the paper, or at least the General designation of the fragment could be in the introduction. In its empirical part, it is very successful in the sense that the author analyzes this war carefully, resorting to extreme estimates in the media of the two superpowers of that period — the USSR and the USA, as well as European countries. She doesn't stop there. Modernizing those distant events, Dasil addresses the danger of a new armed conflict on the Korean Peninsula in modern geopolitical realities. This is the subject of paragraph 1.3. "New media about the danger of the current development of the conflict on the Korean Peninsula". Positive is the use of the author of a sufficiently large (for bachelor's work) volume of foreign sources. The analysis of the empirical material was quite good, and it is equally balanced and balanced, and Soviet, American and other sources. Summing up the review, it can be noted that despite the serious criticisms, the final conclusions about the work can be made only after the presentation of the introduction to the work and hearing the author's positions during the defense. The presented material reflects the importance of the research topic, its relevance. The text itself contains good empirical material. Judging by the style and flaws, it is clear that the work is written independently. The author has demonstrated the ability to creative, analytical work, the ability to explore the mass media product. On the basis of the review it can be concluded that the final qualifying work "War in Korea 1950 – 1953 in the media coverage" only partially meets the requirements for this type of work, and its author Kim Dasil can get a positive assessment only after the presentation of the missing piece of work. I hope that the direct speech of the author of the work to protect will bring clarity to the possibility of objective and impartial evaluation of the work. Reviewer professor N. S. Labush