Comment scientific supervisor of final qualification work The SON of Svetlana Stanislavovna "Journalism of the Republic of Moldova in the post-Soviet period» During her studies in the bachelor's degree in the profile of "international journalism" Svetlana Grushetskaya passed all examination tests only on "good" and "excellent". She combined her studies at the faculty with active social and professional activities. Inquisitive, disciplined, organized. Able to mobilize and overcome difficulties. Svetlana was engaged not only in studying, but also showed a tendency to analytical work. She was engaged in surveys, interviewing, participated in the competition of Newspapers. She had professional practice in the youth magazine "5 corners", in the Information Agency"REGNUM". Participating in the historical scientific conference, she wrote a portrait essay about the veteran of the great Patriotic war. The choice of the theme of the final qualifying work - "Journalism of the Republic of Moldova in the post-Soviet period" is primarily due to the fact that Svetlana knows the situation in the country from the inside, living in this country before entering the University. Scientific and professional interest in the small homeland and now continues. She writes articles for the Moldovan press on ecology and art and on Moldovan artists in St. Petersburg. Svetlana began work on her diploma on her own, after choosing a topic. Therefore, after the first contacts with the scientific supervisor, it was necessary to change the structure of the work, so that the empirical part is organically combined with the theory and meet the stated goal and objectives. All the work on the content of WRC, interaction with the scientific supervisor were held periodically, mostly remotely, via e-mail. Svetlana Grushetskaya worked out a sufficient list of scientific and journalistic literature, conducted a serious hard work on empirical material. In the process, periodically receiving comments and recommendations from the supervisor, which responded creatively, sometimes defending its position, claiming the correctness of his point of view, sometimes taken as a guide to action. All mentioned above allows us to say that Svetlana Grushetskaya demonstrated creative, proactive, active attitude to the preparation of the final qualifying work, proved the ability to set and solve research problems. Scientific adviser Professor N. S. Labush