Evaluation of the final qualifying paper of Wang Mengyi: “Abbreviations in the Chinese and American Electronic Mass Media” (Faculty of Philology, St. Petersburg State University; Bachelor’s Degree) Abbreviation as a way of word formation is the topic inexhaustible and interesting for scientific research, especially if there is a possibility of comparing abbreviations in two different language systems such as English and Chinese. The final qualifying paper of the undergraduate student Wang Mengyi is devoted to studying the peculiarities of the use of abbreviations in the publicistic texts of the virtual media of the USA and China. Structurally, the paper consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, and a list of the literature reviewed. The Introduction presents the relevance, hypothesis, purpose and objectives of the final qualifying paper, as well as its the research material and methodological foundations. In Chapter I, the author conducts an analytical review of the scientific literature on the research topic. The subjects of the consideration of Chapter I are theoretical questions relating to the specifics of the abbreviation as a way of word formation; types of abbreviations are also reviewed. In the first part of the chapter, the author presents the features of word-forming processes traditional for the English language, as well as extensive material on the methods of abbreviation and the use of abbreviations in Chinese, which, ultimately, could be used to analyze the material collected by the author for the practical part of the paper. It should be noted that all of the theoretical provisions and classifications the student supplemented with relevant examples and, if necessary, their translation into Russian, despite the inevitable language difficulties that all foreign students experience. In addition to the mentioned above, in the second part of Chapter I, the author also considers the features of the journalistic style in general, as well as the stylistic features of the English and Chinese publicistic text in particular. Chapter II of the final qualifying paper in question was originally intended to contain the analysis of the material collected by the author (i.e. examples of abbreviations) from virtual media (the websites with which the author worked are indicated in the paper on pp. 32-33). However, the author encountered unexplainable difficulties with the search for the necessary examples, as a result of which the paper has a strong tendency towards theory, and a concise comparative analysis of the abbreviations was carried out by the author on the basis of the results of previous studies, for the most part, which deprives the paper of scientific novelty. Among the merits of this paper, I would like to note the fully developed topic, if only at the expense of extensive theoretical material. Moreover, it should be mentioned that the student’s work on her paper was completely independent. In general, it can be concluded that Wang Mengyi’s paper meets the basic requirements for such academic papers and is recommended for defense. Academic adviser: Alina V. Shitova, Senior Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages and Linguodidactics, Faculty of Philology, St. Petersburg State University, Russia