REVIEW on the final qualifying work of SPbSU student Parshikov Ilya Alexandrovich on the topic: Context advertising in the system of integrated marketing communications The final qualifying work of Ilya Parshik on the topic "Context advertising in the system of integrated marketing communications" was completed on 68 pages, the list of used literature consists of 40 sources. The structure of the work - two chapters (theoretical and practical), as well as 8 applications reflecting the author's real contribution. Graduation qualification work reveals the problem of insufficient application of modern technologies by modern companies, in particular - contextual advertising. In the conditions of toughened competition, the greatest effect is obtained by those companies that engage in their strategy the whole range of marketing, including online tools. The structure of the work reflects the stated goal and objectives. The purpose of the final qualifying work is to assess the role of contextual advertising in the system of integrated marketing communications, identify shortcomings and propose recommendations for improving the situation of the company. In the theoretical part of the final qualifying work, the concept of integrated marketing communications is described, contextual advertising is considered as an Internet marketing tool, its classification and application possibilities for various activities are given. It should be noted that the emphasis is placed on the fact that contextual advertising and other tools (PR, sales promotion, etc.) bring the maximum effect when involved in the aggregate and describes the synergistic effect in the concept of integrated marketing communications. In practical part, the enterprise, the online store "FISHMAN-market" is considered as the object of research. The paper provides general information on this organization, carried out PEST analysis of the external environment, which allowed identifying external threats based on four factors - political, economic, social and technological. The work describes and analyzes the effectiveness of marketing tools involved in the online store "FISHMAN-market". The paper presents such important points as the positions of contextual advertisements, keywords in their compilation, as well as recommendations for improving the company's online strategy. The practical importance of the work lies in the possibility of using the results of the work to increase the effectiveness of the application of contextual advertising in the activity of the Internet-shop "FISHMAN-market". The results of the work demonstrate the possible effect of the use of Internet marketing tools, which sometimes can produce results much more effectively than traditional marketing methods. The content of the WRC corresponds to the topic stated in the title and fully reveals it. The work reflects actual problems of a theoretical and practical nature, and it should also be noted the availability of material in terms of language, style, location of the material. May 21, 2018 Zhigalova N.G., Associate professor at the Department of Advertising and Public Relations, Candidate of Sociological Sciences