The opinion of the supervisor Graduation thesis Vishnevskaya Barbara Daniilovna "Visualization trends in high-tech environments» it is devoted to the actual, unexpected, little-investigated foreshortening for the modern market of advertising and marketing. On the one hand, the relevance of the research topic is determined by the complexity of the modern marketing situation for both communication agencies and advertising companies: high technologies qualitatively change the market configuration, are difficult to study, on the other hand, the motivation of young target audiences formed by the high – tech international media environment is at least unexpected for senior colleagues. The presented work shows a high level of graduate training in professional and scientific issues more appropriate to the level of specialization than the bachelor, her ability to work independently with research literature in innovative and difficult technical areas and to use the knowledge gained in solving specific problems of the final qualifying work. The internal content of the work corresponds to its theme, goals and objectives. The design and scope of work meet the requirements, references to the quotations of other authors given in the text are correct, the literature on relevance corresponds to the actual innovative publication During the period of externship the student has shown good faith, demonstrated a high capacity for work, responsibility, punctuality, necessary practical skills. The student was personally involved in the processing and obtaining of the research results "Fictional beings in the era of mass media: Russia, the 21st century: the Wave of 2018" (n. ruk. research Ulyanovsk A.V.) in this connection, and gained access to unique research data and the right to use this material in his thesis. Overall assessment of professional readiness of the student: prepared, formed a strong base of experimental and practical knowledge that meets modern requirements. The work meets the criteria for scientific research, and its subject is at the peak of relevance at the moment, which indicates a high level of adaptability and self-study of the bachelor, which undoubtedly deserves the assignment of the desired qualification. Scientific adviser: candidate of Culturology, associate Professor of advertising Department Andrey Ulyanovsk "__16___" _____June______ 2018.