Отзыв дипломного руководителя Азарян Вероники Александровны на дипломную работу студентки Птюшкиной Юлии Алексеевны Разработка фирменного стиля для школы танцев «Skillhouse» Направление 54.03.01 Программа «Графический дизайн» Diploma project "Graphical support of dance school" has been made completely by Yulya Ptyushkina on established time. The project includes posters, subscription, leaflets, image clips, transmission bracelets, t-shirts design, design of social networks. The main goal is to promote of creativity of school. The main task is to create own graphic, which show technological, complicated, expressive, entertaining and easy-going dance in the school, show sensation of dance animation. Graphics are dominate and creates, changes, shows dancers. Yulya use image of one dancer or image of group of dancers to help imagine importance of teamwork and individual improvisation. Yulya works great with color, composition and typography. Yulya is a very diligent and responsible person. Working on the project, she has made decisions by herself, she has used design-project development rules, and also, has shown an excellent possession of all the necessary graphic programs, studio equipment in the process of shooting and production of the light. Yulya is a creative author. The recommended mark is "excellent". Старший преподаватель кафедры дизайна факультета искусств Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета, Азарян Вероника Александровна