Отзыв дипломного руководителя Азарян Вероники Александровны на дипломную работу студентки Королевой Александры Андреевны Комплексное графическое сопровождение для научно-производственной компании «ХИМЭКС Лимитед» Направление 54.03.01 Программа «Графический дизайн» Diploma project "Integrated graphics support for research and production company "Chimex Ltd" has been made completely by Aleksandra Koroleva on established time. The project includes exhibition stands, catalog, booklet, badges, the layout of the exhibition stand, business cards, badges, teasers. Now millions chemical compounds are known and if to look at structure of these substances it will appear, that a plenty of connections are organic connections. It is important to note, that organic chemistry – the most creative area of chemistry. The basic idea of the Aleksandra’s project consists in showing uniqueness of substance, its color, structural and material transformations. Also each molecule depicted on exhibition stands has its own color its structure and materiality. All this shows that such a substance as epoxy resin it is possible to give any color, shape and even combine it with any material, which makes it possible to use this substance not only in the industrial sphere, but also for creative projects, for example, decorating furniture or creating jewelry. One aspect of the concept was also important to show the scientific side of the company. For this, Aleksandra used a quantum-mechanical model of a molecule that a human eye can not see in a normal environment. Molecules are of microscopic size and, therefore, in order to attract attention to the biochemical composition of matter, she increased them and made them the main illustrative object in exhibition stands and printed products. Aleksandra works great with color, composition and typography. Aleksandra is a very diligent and responsible person. Working on the project, she has made decisions by herself, she has used design-project development rules, and also, has shown an excellent possession of all the necessary graphic programs. Aleksandra is a creative author. The recommended mark is "excellent". Старший преподаватель кафедры дизайна факультета искусств Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета, Азарян Вероника Александровна