Отзыв дипломного руководителя Азарян Вероники Александровны на дипломную работу студентки Даурановой Екатерины Андреевны Разработка графического сопровождения к бренду ASMI Направление 54.03.01 Программа «Графический дизайн» Diploma project "Image graphics for ASMI brand" has been made completely by Ekaterina Dauranova on established time. The project includes advertising posters, flyers, bags, tags, business card, art-brochures and the lookbook. ASMI is a graphics in volume. Each product is a dialogue between graphics and modern sculptural forms. Ornaments are minimalistic and not overloaded with details, but they are distinctly individual. Jewelry speaks of the courage of their owner to be himself. This message is also in the title. ASMI in Sanskrit means "I am." Appearance has always been a way of self-expression. And in the modern world when we have available brands of mass market and author's design, we have a choice between world and original brands for visual self-identification. Ornaments, like the captions in the picture, personalize the image. The main idea of the project is to create an image and pass through it the basic principles of the brand. And another idea is metamorphoses. The birth of the brand from the plane to the volume and the return of the forms back to the schedule and illustration of the graphic support. The graphics are based on abstract figures, textures and their plastics. Ekaterina works great with color, composition and typography. She is a very diligent and responsible person. Working on the project, she has made decisions by herself, she has used design-project development rules, and also, has shown an excellent possession of all the necessary graphic programs, studio equipment in the process of shooting, choice of model, her images and production of the light. Ekaterina is a creative author. The recommended mark is "excellent". Старший преподаватель кафедры дизайна факультета искусств Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета, Азарян Вероника Александровна