The official review of the doctor of political sciences, the associate professor of teleradio journalism of "The Higher School of Journalism and Mass Communications" Institute of St.Petersburg State University Yury Vladimirovich Klyuev for final qualification work of Kuryleva Anna Aleksandrovna "The analytical program "Special Correspondent" (Russia-1 TV channel): change of a format. Thematic and genre aspects" The author of VKR on the example of the Special Correspondent broadcast studied characteristics of analytical programs of modern Russian television journalism. In chapter 1 the retrospective of analytical TV programs is shown, their thematic and genre features are developed. In chapter 2 stages of formation and formats of the Special Correspondent program are studied. The author of VKR investigated resonant transfers on subjects of a slave trade, civil activism, act of terrorism in New York in 2001, a subject of murder of Vladislav Listyev and others. In the Appendix, in a foreshortening of VKR of a professional perspective studied by the author, names of releases, authors and subjects of programs, other reference information are submitted. In general the thesis is performed according to requirements of protection: – the structure corresponds to the shown criteria; – the contents opens a subject; – material is presented at the research and empirical levels; – the literature corresponding to a subject and a perspective is used; – provisions of work are stated logically and is reasoned; – conclusions reflect result of the conducted research. Merits of VKR presented to protection are the scrupulous analysis of dynamics of changes of formats of the studied transfer, the detailed problem and thematic characteristic of releases of the transfers prepared by different journalists. The author of the thesis fairly considers as the main properties of modern analytical telecasting irrationality and staginess. Except them the noticeable place in practice of an analytical broadcasting is taken by dialogicity, focus on stylistics of television show. False sensational nature and imitation of a catastrophism become a manner of giving and discussion of questions often. It is possible to refer exact and accurate differentiation by the author of VKR of the professional categories "genre", "form", "format" of the telecast to the distinctive characteristic of work. However, according to the reviewer, the concept "format" of the theoretical and conceptual plan demands closer examination, especially within the designated subject VKR. The thesis in its general characteristics causes positive impression. However in work there are separate defects. 1. On pages 32, 38, 44, 47 by the author of VKR it is told about the "manipulation tactics" and "the manipulative course" used by founders of transfers by reporters Alexander Rogatkin and Andrey Medvedev. However in the theoretical plan the manipulation mechanism is completely not opened, not characterized. According to the reviewer, the given examples correspond not to manipulations, but strengthening of an author's journalistic position, the statement of versions and details which are considered as founders of programs the most plausible and the most brightly illustrating the incident. In this regard it is possible to note that manipulation as the technology of the hidden deception directed on turning on of mechanisms of self-damage of the attacked system is unnatural to professional journalism, especially on the state channel of television. 2. The article of the reviewer quoted by the author VKR which is really published in the Humanitarian Vector magazine has other name: Klyuev of Yu. V. Psikhologiya of mutual understanding in audiovisual mass media//the Humanitarian vector. Series: Pedagogics. Psychology. 2015. No. 1 (41). Page 129-136. 3. In some cases in work shortcomings of registration of paginal footnotes and a typographical error meet. For example, on page 36 it is below gathered: "to be organized in society", instead of correct on logic and sense of a combination: "to be organized in community". Nevertheless, the specified remarks don't belittle the general favorable opinion of the reviewer. Final qualification work of Anna Aleksandrovna Kuryleva "Analytical program "Special Correspondent" (Russia-1 TV channel): change of a format. Thematic and genre aspects" I took place and it can be recommended for protection. The reviewed VKR is prepared at the demanded level, corresponds to the shown criteria and can be estimated positively. The official reviewer – doctor of political sciences, associate professor Departments of teleradio journalism Institute "The higher school of journalism and mass communications" St.Petersburg State University Yu. V. Klyuev May 28, 2018