Comment scientific Director of the final qualifying work of full-time students Duginova Ilona Vladimirovna Features of Western European media coverage of doping scandals 2016-2018» Ilona duginova studied at the faculty of journalism of The Institute " Higher school of journalism and mass communications in full-time profile "international journalism". Duginova completes her studies at The faculty with good results. During the study proved to be organized, regularly attending classes student. She did not show much activity in the classes, but she was always attentive to the content of the classes, supported the scientific discussion at the seminars. The choice of the theme of the final qualifying work was due to the student's interest in strengthening the position of the Russian state in the international arena and the active confrontation of opponents using a variety of methods and methods , starting with armed intimidation, ending with the formation of a negative image of Russia. Realizing this, Ilona took as a starting point of his reflection on the theme and structure of his WRC problem of the relationship of sport and politics. Understanding that between these phenomena there is a complex dialectical relationship and it is impossible to answer the question: "Sport is beyond politics?"she set the task to show the versatility of this connection and to identify how the doping scandal becomes the dominant agenda of the mass media. A considerable amount of time in joint work has taken the development and revision of the work plan for WRC. Work on the diploma Duginova started with some delay, but started to implement the plan, she periodically forwarded the prepared material by mail for recommendations, suggestions and comments. Particularly active Duginova worked on a diploma in the month of April. There were no direct meetings and consultations with the scientific supervisor. All work was carried out through e-mail. Unfortunately, the final corrected version of the final qualifying work by mistake of the student was not loaded into the blackboard system. (by e-mail, it can be verified that this final version was sent to the supervisor on 13 may, i.e. within the time limit for protection), and the previous one is uploaded. Basically, the final qualifying work of Ilon Duginova performed independently, without detailed intervention of the supervisor in the textual content. She showed the ability to systematize scientific literature, analysis of empirical material. Work on the thesis gives grounds to judge that Duginova is able to achieve the goals stated in the final qualifying work, is able to solve research problems. Scientific adviser – doctor of political science, Professor N. S. Labush.