Research advisor’s review of the bachelor graduation thesis of A. S. Karpikova “Periphrastic forms like kam pёr tё bёrё and kisha pёr tё bёrё in Albanian: Corpus-based research” The thesis of A. S. Karpikova is devoted to the study of semantics, frequency and paths of evolution of the Albanian periphrastic forms with the auxiliary verb kam ‘to have’ (in present and imperfect) and the non-finite construction of the type ‘për të + participle’. The final stage of the grammaticalization of the studied forms is their development into future tense grams. In addition, according to Albanian grammars, these forms can express the modal meaning of obligation. Nothing is told about the functioning of these forms in the modern literary Albanian language in the existing literature, and the results of the research conducted by A. S. Karpikova are of great importance for Albanian studies. The corpus approach used in the study and the involvement of the Albanian National Corpus with ca. 20 million words as the source of material allowed A. S. Karpikova to get really reliable and detailed information about the use of the forms in the modern literary Albanian language. In the course of the study, a considerable amount of material (about 1000 examples) was analyzed. For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that most examples illustrate the use of the form with the auxiliary verb in present, which was previously studied in the course paper by A. S. Karpikova, written in 2016 under the supervision of Doctor of Philology, Prof. A. Yu. Rusakov. Later on, the examples with the auxiliary verb in imperfect were collected and analyzed. The results achieved in the course paper were verified and refined using the theoretical assumptions that were adopted by A. S. Karpikova in the process of preparation of the BA paper. I should especially emphasize the diligence of A. S. Karpikova, when she analyzed a large array of examples, as well as her careful and scrupulous work with theoretical sources. The object of analysis selected by A. S. Karpikova is extremely complicated. In accordance with the approach of the “classical” works on grammatical semantics of verb forms (see B. Comrie, etc.), in order to fully describe the meaning of each of the studied forms, it is necessary to simultaneously take into account (and, if possible, consider separately) the components of meaning inherent in the form itself, and those associated with the influence of the context. In many cases, the same form can combine temporal values with modal ones, and for a full-fledged and rigorous analysis it is necessary to refer to a wider context. The work on the interpretation of numerous examples was conducted by A. S. Karpikova quite independently. The controversial issues were discussed with the research advisor, and during the discussion A. S. Karpikova always delved into the essence of the recommendations and either accepted them or maintained her own interpretation, demonstrating well-grounded research perseverance. Specific research results were obtained in the BA paper in the amount that was initially planned. In its current condition, the work is already a valuable source for further general studies on Albanian analytical forms of future. The "Blackboard" system found 8% of text matches in the text of the work, and 17% in the Appendix to the work. All of them in no way should be considered “wrongful appropriation” or plagiarism. In particular, the system found matches between the Appendix to the BA thesis by A. S. Karpikova and the BA thesis of the other student of the Albanian department, A. O. Dobkes “Verbs introducing direct speech in the Albanian language (corpus study)”, which was defended in 2016. Since both works are performed on the basis of the Albanian National Corpus, they contain multiple metatext descriptions of the texts that are contained in the corpus. Other matches include the numbers in the composition structure of the work (1.2.2), publication data (city names, page indications), the names of scientists and the names of publications (mainly in the “Bibliography”), and the matches of some constructions in the cited Albanian examples with the non-related materials posted on Internet sites. I consider the BA thesis meeting all requirements stipulated for graduation works and permit it to be defended. PhD, Senior Lecturer of the Department of General Linguistics M. S. Morozova