Response of the supervisor of studies for final qualifying work of trained St.Petersburg State University Podolinskaya Yana V. on a theme «The policy and philosophy in a life and creativity of Seneca». Final qualifying work of Yana V. Podolinskaya is volumetric enough - 80 pages from which 76 pages borrows the basic text. The maintenance of work completely corresponds to the theme declared in the name. Work consists of three chapters in which are consistently considered creative and political biography of Seneca, his philosophical sights and the basic ideas presented by the philosopher in one of the "program" compositions - «Moral letters to Lycilius». Thus, the structure is certain by tasks in view of research and a theme declared in the name of final qualifying work, completely is opened. Seneca is a very interesting character - the philosopher who accepted active and direct participation in the politician represents, and also was the official tutor of emperor Nero. As the author of work already in "Introduction" absolutely fairly marks, studying of a life and activity of Seneca is important for the several reasons: first, at the philosopher it is possible to meet many descriptions of stages of a household life and historical events that allows to restore realities of Roman empire I century A.D.; secondly, by means of the analysis of literary creativity of Seneca it is possible to track evolution of the stoical doctrine and how it has affected outlook of the Roman citizens; at last, studying of the biography and creativity of Seneca is important for understanding of its influence on a philosophical idea and religious currents of the subsequent periods, including on the present. As for a modern society the problem of a parity theoretical and practical activities continues to remain actual, compositions of Seneca, devoted to philosophy in the politica and to the politica in philosophy, remain demanded and in XXI century. It is quite possible to agree with the author of work, that ideas of Seneca on riches and poverty, about a life and death, and also its ethical ideas till now find the response at the modern reader, not losing the acuteness and a urgency (p. 76). Y.V.Podolinskaya's final qualifying work is based on the sound source study and historiographic basis. The researches which have become by a basis, but also products of other Roman writers testified to an epoch and the philosopher (Aulus Gellius, Dion Cassius, Martialas, Plinius the Younger) are actively used not only products of Seneca. All citations are carefully selected, are led always to a place and form a basis for conclusions of the author. The modern historiography is presented by 35 researches, from them half - in English. And as the positive moment it is necessary to note, that foreign researches not simply are registered in "Bibliography", and are actively used by the author of work - in the text the brightest discussions are resulted, hypotheses and arguments of concrete researchers (see, for example, discussion in the western literature on dating and authenticity «Moral letters to Lycilius» - p. 58-60, compare p. 18-21). In "Conclusion" research of the declared theme are summed up. The basic conclusions of the author about an essence of the philosophical system developed by Seneca, and about its influence on a course of events of political history of Rome I century A.D. are quite convincing and it is possible to agree with them. Work as a whole leaves very favorable impression, therefore remarks carry, more likely, specifying character. So, for example, on p. 13 discussion about date of birth of Seneca is resulted. The author fairly marks, that the common opinion in the scientific literature on this question is not present and consequently it is considered to be, that the philosopher was born not earlier IV century B.C. and not later I century A.D. If I century A.D. is quite proved date as antique sources testify that Seneca has been directly connected with events and celebrated personalities of this period, date of a birth by IV century B.C., is a strange and demanding further explanations and arguments. However the author of work writes only about the fact of the discussion, in the further accepting unconditionally I century A.D. as time of the life of Seneca. Other example - on p. 43-46 three "consolations" written by Seneca - to mother of philosopher Gelvii, to Martia and to Polibias are in detail considered. The analysis of these compositions does not cause special objections, but it was necessary to tell about specificity of the genre of "consolation" more in detail, instead of to be limited only to definition that is the rhetorical genre developed by the Greek philosophers during Hellenic period. Work possesses indisputable advantages as concerning a grasp of a material and logic of the organization of the text, and concerning skill it is accessible and it is convincing to state the ideas and the basic conclusions. "Introduction" which usually shows weakness of many student's works is very well written. Y.V.Podolinskaya gives the developed analytical characteristic not only sources, but also the modern scientific literature. Especially successful is III chapter of the work - ««Moral letters to Lycilius» as center of main philosophical ideas of Seneca» (p. 58-73). In this chapter the basic debatable questions connected with this composition - chronology of creation, a problem of authenticity of the text which has reached us, the reasons of choice of Seneca a genre of "letters" for a statement philosophical and political views are in detail considered. The basic conclusions of the author of work are quite convincing and do not cause any doubts. Work is written by a fine literary language, the author skilfully expresses the ideas, results the clear and convincing argument. Work is correct and accurately issued. Summing up, it is possible to tell, that work of Yana V.Podolinskaya meets the basic requirements shown to final qualifying works and deserves a high estimation. On May, 26th, 2018 _____________ Nikityuk Elena Valentinovna