REFERENCE On graduation qualification work of the fourth year student of the day department of the history department of Russia until the 20th century of the Institute of History St. Petersburg State University Anastasia Olegovna Karpova "Diary of A.V. Nikitenko as a source on the history of St. Petersburg University » in the direction of preparation: 030600 History educational bachelor program: history profile: Russian History The topic, declared as the Graduation Qualification Work, is devoted to the study of a unique document, a historical source - a diary of the professor of the St. Petersburg University Alexander Vasilyevich Nikitenko (1804-1877), a man who went a long way from serf to secret adviser and full member of the Academy of Sciences, historian literature and censor. Domestic historians who to one degree or another came into contact and worked with this source unanimously noted that voluminous perspective and contradictory nature of the era, which the author managed to convey. Separately, one can single out the characteristics of members of the professorial and academic area of pre-reform Russia. Even more isolated in this work were identified and disclosed the problems and issues of the university environment and university faculty. Anastasia Olegovna Karpova opted for the analysis of a large-scale "ego document" - "Diary" A.V. Nikitenko (P.17-18), in order to focus on the anthropological dimension of university history, the origins of social, legal, interpersonal conflicts in the capital's university, to present the history of the pre-reform university as a field for interaction between teachers and students, professors and administrators of education. It is important to note that "the documentary reflection of the university's social history in the ego documents of the" gloomy seven-year period "and the rise of student movement in the second half of the 1850s" by the author of the Graduation Qualification Work is analyzed for the first time in Russian historiography. This historical source is a classic imitator of its predecessors (diaries of officials of the XVIII century) and contemporaries (diaries of the first half of the XIX century). The author, who came from a different environment than the one in which he lived, was able to perceive the newly formed value system differently, paying attention to a number of important features and details. If you transfer the name to the history of the university, you will get a new vision of the macro history of our Alma mater. The work of A.O. Karpova consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of sources used and literature. In the introduction of graduation qualification work A.O. Karpova thoroughly substantiates the relevance of the topic, unfolds out the methods of research, explains the chronological scope of the study, dwells in detail on the review of sources and literature (which can be isolated as an independent study outside the scope of this work), explains the novelty of the study. But the author is silent about territorial boundaries and does not characterize the content of the work. In addition, at C.6, describing the historiographic situation around the pre-reform university, in particular, the memoirs of A.V. Nikitenko, lists three categories of research literature: first, "publications on the history of St. Petersburg University in the years of the professor A.V. Nikitenko, "secondly," biographical literature on the author of the diary, "thirdly," research about the peculiarities of university memoirs, "which narrows down the analysis of the special literature that follows this. The object of graduation qualification work is the text "Diary" A.V. Nikitenko. The subject of this source study is the history of St. Petersburg University and the university community. Very good is the research method for extracting the microtem of the narrative. It was he who allowed AO. Karpova to fully reveal all the tasks stated in the work: this is the biographical component, the subjects of the diary's knowledge of the author, and the motivational foundations of his records, but most importantly is his attitude to complex phenomena of reality and to the fact that A.O. Karpova calls "the phenomena of university history." The advantage of the work is that the author presents a two-part study: a historical-biographical and problem-historiographical, than demonstrating not only the possession of the analysis and interpretation of the source, but also the historical material of the epoch as a whole. Graduation qualification work A.O. Karpova, despite the comments and wishes expressed, meets all the requirements for such works, can be recommended for protection and deserves the highest appreciation. Reviewer: Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Institute of History О.B. Vakhromeevа 05/13/2018