REVIEW on final qualifying work of the student of St. Petersburg state University Dukhonchenko, Nikolay Dmitriyevich on the theme "Information support of planning of social development of the city» • whether the content of the SRS stated in the title The content of FQW is fully consistent with the theme stated in the title. * completeness of the disclosure of the topic stated in the title Claimed in the name of the theme in the table of contents FQW fully disclosed. * availability of reasonable objectives of the study of the FQW structure The structure of the FQW is justified by the objectives of the study. According to them, the work consists of an introduction, two chapters and a conclusion. The Introduction substantiates the relevance of the topic, the purpose and objectives of the study. Most of the provisions are clear and precise. Nevertheless, in our view, the purpose of the work ("to analyze the organization of social development planning, focusing on the information support of this process") is somewhat vague. In addition, a separate statement is not allocated problem the solution of which is dedicated to FQW. The first Chapter contains the theoretical and methodological basis of planning of socio-economic development as a tool of management of social reproduction. First, the article is about the development of views on social development and the role of planning in society. To justify the social conditionality of planning, the theoretical positions of E. Toffler, K. Marx and other well-known researchers are used. Further, the issues of social development as an object of management, factors affecting the development (technology, human capital, nature), the place of planning in the management of social development. Revealing them, N. D. Dukhonchenko relies on the works of T. Parsons, V. Zombart, M. Weber, G. Simmel and other authors. In the second part of the Chapter, the author focused on the analysis of socio-economic development planning in Russia. For this purpose, the historical retrospective, planning in the modern period at the level of the state and specifically in St. Petersburg, actual existing problems are consistently considered. Modern international, Federal, Russian and city normative documents are used. The material of the Chapter is presented quite fully and efficiently. The second Chapter reveals the subject of the study of the final qualification work-information support of social development planning. First, the scheme of the organization of planning of socio-economic development of St. Petersburg and explained in detail the main stages from the perspective of evaluation of information support. Further, the content aspect of information support is analyzed and a critical look at it is given. In particular, the shortcomings of the requested and provided information are shown. The author also paid attention to the technical aspects of information support. In conclusion, the main results of the work are formulated. * reflection of actual problems of theoretical and practical character The FQW reflects current problems of theoretical and practical nature. The first group includes, first of all, the sociological justification for planning socio-economic development as a tool for managing social reproduction. To the second – reflection of the current practice of the organization of planning of social and economic development of St. Petersburg and results of the critical analysis of the information support corresponding to it. * use of modern literature and achievements of science and practice The FQW uses primary sources of modern achievements of science and practice, as well as normative documents in the field of planning of social and economic development and its information support. However, in our opinion, there are no primary sources in the work in a foreign language. As for the Russian literature, there are no references to the recognized in the scientific community specialist in the field of planning theory, doctor of science L. T. Volchkova (see, for example, its Chapter 16 "Social planning" in the textbook "Sociology of management" (M.: "Academy", 2014)). • availability deployed to substantiate the conclusion In the text of the FQW contains a detailed justification of the conclusions. * positive and negative sides of FQW The work is interesting and leaves a good impression. In this study, the author reveals the problem of planning of socio-economic development as a tool of management of social reproduction. It is narrowed in relation to information support of planning of social development of the city and further concretized on the example of St. Petersburg. The problem is studied theoretically, as well as using the documents and content of the city administration sites (and not only), proposals for its solution are given. The comments include the following: - In our opinion, the content of the second Chapter of the FQW would benefit if to Supplement the qualitative analysis of the documents and materials of the web portals carried out by the author with the results of the questionnaire and/or interviews of stakeholders related to the information support of the planning of social development of the city. - The presentation of the content and technical aspects of the information support of social development planning (Chapter 2) should preferably be accompanied by schemes (for example, the infological model of the subject area) of the main information interactions. - It is desirable to bring together and present in the form of a sequence of items management recommendations on the results of the analysis of information support of planning of social development of the city. - The object of study in the Introduction is stated too in the General formulation. - There are no foreign primary sources on FQW in English. * availability to readers in terms of language, style, location of material, visibility of tables, charts, drawings, formulas, etc. In General, the content of the FQW is presented in a scientific style, accessible to readers with higher education. The available illustrations are of high quality, but, in our opinion, it is desirable to have more of them. Rice. 1 it is better to give in the original edition. * other distinctive features of FQW at the discretion of the reviewer FQW Dukhonchenko Nikolay Dmitriyevich on "Information support of planning of social development of the city" meets the requirements of St. Petersburg state University to final qualifying works, deserves a high positive assessment (by results of protection), and its author – Dukhonchenko N. D. worthy of the title of "bachelor of sociology". Reviewer: Associate Professor of social management and planning faculty of sociology, St. Petersburg state University, c. f. -m. s., associate Professor ___________ S. V. Rasskazov "24" may 2018