The problem of gender-specific career strategy in large corporations at the present stage of development is one of the urgent problems of sociology. In modern conditions, this is due to both the transformation of approaches to the institution of leadership, and the active development of integration and globalization, which requires new qualities of modern corporate leaders. However, despite many advances in legal regulation, as well as changes in the mentality and attitudes of society towards understanding leadership, gender-based discrimination still persists. The study of the features of the formation of the Institute of leadership allows you to get a deeper understanding of both leadership in General, and the gender specifics of career growth in large corporations. In this regard, the work of Julia I. Alkaeva is very relevant and interesting. Final qualifying work consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusion, list of references and applications. In the first Chapter Julia examines the theoretical and methodological basis for the study of career development and its gender specificity. The second Chapter presents the results of empirical research. As a positive aspect of the work it is necessary to count the number of analyzed English literature and the availability of interesting materials of the empirical study. But it is necessary to note the shortcomings of the work: 1. Extremely chaotic structure of the work. So, in paragraph 1.1. contains information about the psychophysiological foundations of leadership. Although this information, according to the table of contents, should be in paragraph 1.2. In addition, I think it is unreasonable to pay so much attention to the physiological aspects of gender differences in leadership qualities. 2. I believe that paragraph 1.3 "Gender as a social construct" should be the first in Chapter 1, since the study of gender at the beginning of WRC. 3. From the text of the WRC it is not clear how a large Corporation differs from a branch of TNC. Therefore, the very name of the WRC is not entirely justified. 4. It is gratifying that the author of WRC uses a large number of English-language and translated from English literature But it seems that it is necessary to use the achievements of Russian authors, in particular, the well-known article Radaev V. V. "Four ways of management within the company." 5.It is not clear why the authors mentioned in the Introduction, who were going to be referred to, but not in the footnotes or in the lists of literature, for example, the works of E. V. Kapustkina on this topic. 6.But the main substantive drawback of this WRC is my disagreement with the author's conclusion that there are no obstacles in TNC for promotion of representatives of different gender on the hierarchical ladder. I think that the situation in Phillipp Morris in Russia is just a case. The fact that this company produces a product that prevents the safety of the health of citizens of the Russian Federation. This American company belongs to the category of TNC. In the United States and at the headquarters of other countries (Russia), they were forced to publish Social reports, where it was necessary to show what the company's position is occupied by men and women. Ah, in the case of the US, and blacks. Question for protection: do TNCs adapt their activities to the culture and history of the country in which they establish their branch? In General, the final qualifying work of Julia Alkaeva meets all the requirements for works of this type, contains interesting empirical and theoretical material and deserves a positive assessment.