I with pleasure read the graduate work of student E.R. Zinatullin, proposed to me for the official review. The literature review and the general theoretical part of the graduation work testify to the excellent education of the student in physics and mathematics. This education (as well as the experience of his supervisor Yu.M. Golubev and other members of the scientific group) allowed him to master nontrivial facts, ideas and methods of the quantum theory of interaction between light and atoms. Thanks to them, he was able to start his work in a very special area of theoretical research in modern quantum optics. The review of the literature described in detail actual problems, both theoretical and practical, that arise in the development of quantum memory protocols. A qualitative analysis of literature and modern achievements of science is carried out. The whole text is written consistently and surprisingly competently. A number of small misprints, that I noticed, do not reduce the value of the work. The graduate work of E.R. Zinatullin continues research of the scientific group headed by Professor Yu.M. Golubev, in the field of quantum memory. It is focused on the analysis of the effect of thermal motion in an atomic gas on the protocol of fast resonant quantum memory. In particular, the issue of preserving compression in the storage stage has been studied in detail. The author of the work performed very successful, and I think, laborious calculations. Content of the graduate work is fully corresponds to the topic of it. The topic is correctly disclosed. The work has a clear consistent structure, which, undoubtedly, is an advantage in terms of accessibility for the reader. The results are very well represented graphically and convincingly analyzed. All conclusions are fully substantiated. I am convinced that the main results of the work deserve publication in journals, that are accounted by international reference databases. The high quality of this work allows me to make a few critical remarks that the student should consider more as recommendations for further research: The process of quantum decoherence in thermal atomic ensembles during storage is caused by several physical reasons. Among the main reasons one can name collisions of atoms with the walls of the cell and with each other, as well as interaction with a vacuum reservoir. This undoubtedly affect the compression ratio of light after storage. An analysis of such influence may become a topic of future prospective studies. Thermal motion of atoms in transverse direction, most likely, also affects the degree of compression during the storage stage. Accounting for this movement will be an important generalization of the approach outlined in the work. Conclusion. Presented by E.R. Zinatullin the graduate work undoubtedly deserves an assessment of "excellent". I with full confidence recommend E.R. Zinatullin continued his studies and theoretical research.