Review On graduation qualification work of direction 58.03.01 "Oriental studies and Afrikan studies" profile "Khmer-Vietnamese philology" Lukina Alisa Alekseevna "Notes on what he saw and heard" Wu Chin (XVIII century.) Graduation qualification work consists of an introduction, six chapters, conclusion and annex. Chapter 1. Information about the author; Chapter 2. Historical background; Chapter 3. General information about the collection; Chapter 4. Characteristics of Chinese and Vietnamese prose of small forms; Chapter 5. Narrative structure of stories; Chapter 6. Analysis of the content of stories. The appendix contains translations of 8 stories from the collection of Wu Chin "Notes on what he has seen and heard." The work, occupying 100 pages, corresponds to the stated subject, the bibliography contains 44 titles, Lukina A.A. used literature in Russian, English, Vietnamese. Vietnamese literature has not been studied enough in Russia, so it is necessary to note the relevance of the research carried out by A.A. Lukina. The translation introduces a part of the stories from the Notes on what was seen and heard to the scientific circulation, introduces the Russian reader to the monument of Vietnamese literature of the 18th century. During the year Lukina A.A. actively worked with literature on the given problems, consulted with the scientific adviser. The work is accurately framed, written in a competent language, can be evaluated as a serious study. Graduation qualification work is of scientific value, it can be recommended for printing. Research Lukina A.A. deserves a high positive evaluation. Scientific adviser: Associate Professor of the Department of Philology of South-East Asia, St. Petersburg State University, Ph.D. Knorozova E.Yu.