Working conditions, fatigue, organizational stress, operating personnel Tepulyan Anna Grigorievna In the process of preparing, organizing and conducting a qualification study, analyzing the results and interpreting them, Anna Grigoryevna Tepulyan showed a high level of the formation of competencies and professionally important qualities necessary for this qualification. Such as, a clear organization and conduct of empirical research, data collection and processing, analysis of scientific literature, writing a report on the results of the study, interpretation of the data. It is able to independently navigate in the subject area, analyze scientific and methodological literature, independently form the goals and objectives of practical and scientific activity, show high activity and enthusiasm for the problem being studied, and develop a variety of ways to solve it. In the course of the work, Anna Grigoryevna showed such professional qualities as the ability to design, analyze it in the course of project implementation and make the necessary adjustments, master the methods of statistical analysis and evaluation of the data of psychological research, interpret the research results and their presentation, readiness to develop psychological techniques for certain categories of personnel in manufacturing enterprises. In the process of performance of the qualification work. These difficulties were successfully overcome. Thus, we can state that the level of theoretical and practical preparation of the student for independent work and practical activity is high and meets the requirements for training bachelors. Candidate of Psychology L.N.Goriunova