The review of the scientific adviser about the final qualifying work of the student of the 6th day of the department K.A. Viskova on the topic: "Neuropsychological features of children of senior preschool age with hydrocephalus", specialty 030401 - Clinical psychology      Ksenia Alekseyevna Viskova showed a steady interest in the selected topic and a high motivation for the implementation of research activities. The neuropsychological theme of the work required from it an in-depth study of the anatomical and physiological features of the brain organization of mental functions in children, as well as close interaction with representatives of both medical and pedagogical professions, with these tasks. Viskov successfully coped.      In the course of the work Ksenia Alekseyevna carried out a detailed analysis of the literature, appeals to both classical and modern literary sources in Russian, English and German, which enriched the idea of ​​the problem being developed in the study and allowed her to formulate her own vision, as well as the prospects for practical application for the purposes of neurorehabilitation and restorative education of children with disabilities in the development of higher mental functions.      Ksenia Alekseevna managed to respond delicately to the needs of the family of a child with disabilities, providing as much information as possible about the data received and answering all possible questions. During the multi-hour neuropsychological examination of each child, Ksenia Alekseevna, using her professional skills, a high level of empathy and showing sincere interest in helping him and his family, achieved productive contact with participants in the study, which contributed to the obtaining of high-quality research data. The author's professional qualities were also highly appreciated by the specialists of preschool institutions where the children of the normative sample were trained, and the results of the survey aroused interest in using the identified features in preparation for schooling. Ksenia Alexeevna demonstrated the desire and ability to conduct a scientific discussion when discussing the results obtained in the work at conferences of various levels. Highly appreciated are the personal qualities of the author, among which one can note the dedication, diligence, stress-resistance. Graduation qualification work K.A. Viskova can be assessed as the highest estimate. PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Mental Health and early accompaniment of children and parents N.V. Andrushchenko