LEADER'S RESPONSE for final qualifying work of the student of SPbSU Zhivilova Ksenia Alexandrovna on the topic: "Structure of periodontal diseases at patients of different age groups". The structure of periodontal diseases at patients of different age groups is one of the actual problems of modern dentistry. In his work, Zhivilova K.A. conducted a comparative analysis of periodontal diseases according to the age group, which consisted in elucidating concomitant diseases, conducting an index evaluation of the condition of periodontal tissues. The introduction shows the relevance of this issue, and also noted the practical significance. The introductory part clearly articulates the goals and objectives of the study. A sufficient number of literary sources were used in the final qualifying work. In the text of the work there are sayings of many authors on the structure of periodontal diseases in patients of different age groups, which indicates a deep analysis of literary sources. The main part consists of a description of the groups of patients participating in the survey and the methods of research, as well as the results. Based on the results of the research, an opinion is formulated, as well as a number of conclusions arising from the tasks assigned. In the process of completing the graduation qualification work, Zhivilova K.A. showed the availability of theoretical knowledge. Competently used medical terms, directly related to the theme of the thesis. Graduation qualification work was carried out by the author independently, according to a plan worked out jointly with the scientific supervisor. Graduation qualification work Zhivilova K.A. on structure and registration corresponds to the requirements shown to similar researches in a direction "Dentistry". The work is written competently, compactly. The material is well structured and outlined sequentially. The student showed a high level of theoretical and practical material. I think that the final qualification work of Zhivilova Ksenia Alexandrovna is a completed research and deserves the highest appreciation.