Comment for final qualifying work of the student of St. Petersburg state University Van Zancani on the theme "Phraseological units with the semantic component 'time' in the language of contemporary Russian media» Work van Canzani performed in line with the one of actual directions in linguistics and Russian as a second language descriptions of the semantic features and functioning of phraseological units (further – FE) with the semantic component "time" in the language of contemporary Russian media. The value of the work is also determined by the fact that the language of the media is impossible without time symbols – this is one of the most important components of the media newspaper discourse. On the other hand, time is a universal category, reflected in the natural languages of man, FE with the value of time occupy one of the most important places in both the Chinese and Russian language picture of the world. In the analyzed phraseological corps entered momentum with the structure of a noun phrase and predicative foundations, and speech formulas In accordance with which they Express the main idea of selected idioms were divided according to different phraseo-semantic subgroups, within the first two was selected semantic varieties in accordance with their contents. All FE are presented in tables with the meaning and frequency of their use, which is determined by the example of publications included in the newspaper corpus of the National corpus of the Russian language. For the functional analysis, the examples of use found in the newspaper corpus of modern media, which presents articles from the media in 2001-2014, are selected. These FE were divided into ten groups in terms of their expressed meaning: temporal phraseological units, denoting time relative to the moment of speech, etc. as a result, Wang Qiancian was able to draw interesting conclusions about the ways of expressing time in temporal phraseological units, namely – with the help of spatial components (not far off; on the slope of years; entirely near), somatic (behind; on the nose; from the younger nails), subject-matter (from the cradle; behind the curtain), gastronomic (honeymoon; snack), natural (neither light nor dawn; with cocks; at the end of the day), color (broad daylight; to gray hair;the Golden age), precedent-nominal (in days of yore, since Adam and eve), etc. it Was also observed that, despite the fact that the language of the media transformation FE happen often enough FE with a semantic component of "time" such transformations is practically unaffected. Preparation of final qualifying works demanded van Canzani significant in understanding and interpreting scientific literature on the topic to develop theoretical framework of the study, and the task dissertati coped successfully. The work performed meets all the requirements for the work of this level. Supervisor D. filol.Sciences, associate Professor N. P. Benevolensky