The recall of the scientific adviser for the defense of the master's dissertation of Polina (Eduardovna) Maslova Immersive Journalism: User Experience of Virtual Reality Storytelling ’A case study of the VR film ‘Our Home, Our People’ In the process of work on the dissertation, Polina Maslova showed a high degree of discipline and responsibility. She regularly discussed the research process and actively offered ideas and methods for consideration. Therefore, in the case of Polina Maslova, the system of work on the thesis can be called effective due to sincere interest in the subject of his research. The student himself proposed the theme and design of the study and developed both the hypothesis and methodology of the experiment. In addition, Polina Maslova took the initiative and thoroughness in preparing the empirical and technological base of the experiment. Polina Maslova is highly effective: all recommendations and instructions of the adviser were carried out in a timely manner. Unjustified borrowing and incorrect citation in the text of the dissertation was not found. The level of borrowing in the system of Blackboard is 8%. Scientific adviser: Candidate Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Media Design and Information Technologies Higher School of Journalism and Mass Communications Yakunin A.V