REVIEW for the final qualifying work of the SPbSU student Polina (Eduardovna) Maslova On the topic: Immersive Journalism: User Experience of Virtual Reality Storytelling A case study of the VR film ‘Our Home, Our People’ The presented work concerns the actual and perspective direction of modern technological thought and innovative approach to modern journalism. For several decades, virtual reality has been available to most users of personal computers in video games, the mass entertainment industry offers various attractions that simulate a flight or race, films with the effect of presence. Many online stores create reviews of their products in the 360 * format. In recent years, the principle of immersion has evolved in theatrical productions. Today, journalism continues to seek new and innovative methods of interaction with the audience, in particular, through the use of gadgets available to a significant percentage of consumers. In this regard, the topic disclosed in the thesis is certainly relevant and interesting both for representatives of the journalistic profession and for the audience following modern trends. The content of the FQW is fully consistent with the stated topic. The theoretical part of the work is based on the English-language studies of the turn of the century, and the newest ones, published in 2017. The practical part is based on her own research of user experience involving 30 people in the social status of the target audience of immersive journalism. From the point of view of the academic significance of this work, it should be noted that it is accessible to the reader of any category - the material is clearly structured, presented in an accessible and reasonable manner, and the terms and abbreviations are explained. The practical part could look brighter if there were cases of sharply negative perception of virtual reality at the physiological level. With a clear, structured thesis structure (which pertains to its indisputable pluses), I would like, nevertheless, to draw the author's attention to the fact that the excessive fragmentation of the thematic aspects put on the list of contents is unnecessary for this format of work. To small disadvantages it is necessary to attribute the fact that the first mention of the authors of the works cited is given without a name (in the footnotes this defect is compensated, however, in the text, the complete representation would look better). One sees as controversial another technical aspect - the use of the adverb "Yet" at the beginning of the affirmative sentence. The above remarks do not in any way reduce the impression of high-quality, relevant, interesting and competently executed work. The results of the study could be of interest to students of journalism departments. I would like to invite the author of the thesis to develop a shop-shop for the creation of a workshop on creating immersive project (for example, on a travel-themed topic). In general, this FQW is worthy of the highest evaluation, and its author - the desired master's degree. The recommended reviewer's rating is "excellent". June 1, 2018 Docent, Philological sciences candidate, Elena (Viktorovna) Leybel