REVIEW by research supervisor of the graduate qualification paper submitted by the second-year student of the “International Relations (in English)” master’s program at SPbSU Sharmaine MARMITA titled ASEAN Responses to the ISIS Expansion in the Southeast Asian Region: The Security Sector ОТЗЫВ научного руководителя о выпускной квалификационной работе обучающегося 2 курса основной образовательной программы МАГИСТРАТУРЫ СПбГУ по направлению «Международные отношения» МАРМИТЫ Шармейн на тему: Политика АСЕАН в отношении экспансии ИГИЛ в Юго-Восточной Азии: проблема безопасности 1. Оценка качества работы: № п. п. Критерии оценки (модель магистратуры: проверяемые компетенции) Баллы оценки: • отлично (5) • хорошо (4) • удовлетворительно (3) • неудовлетворительно (2) Комментарии к оценке 1. Актуальность проблематики (АОМ: ОКМ-13, 22; АМ: ОКМ-8,16, ПК-36; ПОМ: ПК-6) excellent (5) Relevance of the problem addressed in this paper leaves no doubts. After implosion in Syria and Iraq ISIS has expanded decisively in other regions, including in Southeast Asia, posing an acute threat to the security sector of regional actors both at national and international level. This paper, therefore, presents not just academic but also significant practical interest. 2. Научная новизна (АОМ: ОКМ-13, 22; АМ: ОКМ-8,16, ПК-36; ПОМ: ПК-6) excellent (5) The thesis contributes to the fields of security studies, terrorism studies and Political Science by bringing about a certain systemic perspective on how the ASEAN’s security sector is organized at national and regional level, what factors affect its performance and what gaps prevent it from establishing more effective counter-terrorism policies. All these aspects are combined into a coherent explanatory and evaluative framework which sheds new light on functional vulnerabilities of the security sector as well as its structural and contextual variables. 3. Корректность постановки цели, взаимосвязанность цели и задач (АОМ: ОКМ- 9, 13, 32; АМ: ПК-10, 11; ПОМ: ОКМ-12) excellent (5) The aim of the research and its objectives are set correctly and adequately reflect the central research questions. Research objectives that are sequentially fulfilled by the author range from conceptual interpretation of the phenomenon of Islamic radicalization in SEA to analyzing specific functions and designs of national military, police and special services units tasked with counter-terrorism activities. This set of objectives helps to properly structure the research moving from general to specific and back to important generalizations, including the ones aimed at practical recommendations. 4. Степень разработанности источниковой базы и качество критики источников (АОМ: ПК-17; АМ: ОКМ- 24; ПОМ: ОКМ-18, ПК-13) excellent (5) The paper is based on extensive collection of primary sources. These vary from regulatory documents of international institutions like ASEAN to semi-structured interviews arranged for and processed by the author herself. The introductory analysis section for primary sources proves Sharmaine’s mastering of data collection, classification and its critical internalization. 5. Полнота и разнообразие списка использованной литературы (АОМ: ПК-17; АМ: ОКМ- 24; ПОМ: ОКМ-18, ПК-13) excellent (5) The references list for secondary sources and literature is thorough and diverse. The literature review section offers a critical and comprehensive overview of the state of the art in the conceptual framework of Islamic radicalism, contemporary Jihadi threats in SEA and ASEAN’s security concerns and capabilities. 6. Соответствие методов исследования поставленной цели и задачам (АОМ: ОКМ-2; АМ: ОКМ- 10, ПК-26; ПОМ: ОКМ-11, 14) good (4) The research design adopted for this study rests on a combination of methods. All these methods individually are an adequate choice in view of the research objectives that were set. However, their combination in a way that makes the methodological fabric fragmented along specific chapters (different methods for different chapters) to some extent affects the research validity. Application of specific methods throughout the paper is fine but not to the highest standards either. 7. Соответствие результатов ВКР поставленной цели и задачам (АОМ: ОКМ-1,7, ПК-33; АМ: ОКМ- 17, ПК-12, 37; ПОМ: ОКМ-14, ПК-14, 17) excellent (5) Results of the study fully correspond to the research questions and objectives. The paper presents a coherent picture of various factors and variables that affect the functional effectiveness of the ASEAN’s security sector vis-à-vis the emerging and expanding ISIS threat. The practical part of the results offers grounded identification of specific gaps in the institutional design of those bodies that are responsible for counter-terrorism policies as well as in coordination amongst them at national and regional level. 8. Качество оформления текста (АОМ: ОКМ-1; АМ: ОКМ-8; ПОМ: ОКМ-7) excellent (5) The quality of text formatting conforms to all main requirements stipulated for graduate qualification papers at the master’s level. The embedded graphs, tables and the final systems map are functional in facilitating representation of the results. 9. Ответственность и основательность студента в период работы над ВКР (АОМ: ОКМ-23; АМ: ОКМ-19; ПОМ: ОКМ-13, 23, 27) excellent (5) Over the entire period of working on the thesis, Sharmaine demonstrated genuine academic interest and responsibility. Her workflow was well-paced, reflective and responsive to supervisor’s adjustments. Her personal effort invested into this research deserves high credit. Средняя оценка: Excellent (5) 2. Заключение/рекомендации членам ГЭК: Overall, the master’s dissertation by Sharmaine Marmita represents a well-organized, high-quality research on a problem that is relevant both academically and practically. The paper conforms to all major requirements associated with graduate master’s theses and deserves to be evaluated with the highest grade. The author, in turn, deserves to be conferred on with the master’s degree in International Relations. 3. Рекомендованная оценка: _excellent (5) June 3rd, 2018 candidate of political sciences, associate professor, Department of American Studies, SPbSU Denis S. Golubev к.п.н., доцент кафедры американских исследований СПбГУ Голубев Денис Сергеевич