Saint- Petersburg State University Faculty of Political Science Scientific Advisor’s Reference of the master thesis Tashev Riste “Democratic Audit of Macedonia: Methodology of Monitoring The scientific paper is devoted to a very interesting research problem of the political development in Macedonia in the context of theory of democratization. The research subject corresponds to the thesis topic and its objective. The process of development of civil-society, different forms of civic participation and the present-day public policy processes in Macedonia are in the center of this thesis. The research paper includes a number of elements related to different aspects of the problem, because Riste used many sources of information (books, articles, electronic sources) and it helped him to create a very good foundation for the whole research and its conclusions. Most sources of information are deeply analyzed and used by the author of the thesis in the theoretical and practical part of it. The conclusions are made by Riste Tashev on this ground independently and show great interest in the problem and a profound knowledge of the object. The main positive results of the master thesis are the fullness of information about political culture and law in Macedonia, analysis of e-government elements and the electoral system which is understood by author as the most important requisite of democracy in Macedonia. Riste has shown himself as a well-organized and disciplined person, of high responsibility, dedicated to his work. He worked systematically. The thesis text is original and does not contain elements of plagiarism. Though there are some formal inaccuracies the layout of the thesis fulfills the requirements of the Regulations for Master thesis preparation and defense on 41.04.04 - “political science” program. I would recommend to give an excellent mark for the thesis of Riste Tashev. Date: 04.05. 2018 Scientific advisor Doctor of Political Science, Associative professor Anna V.Volkova