The relevance of work of Catharina Perich doesn't raise doubts. The main objective of work, development of a fact-finding grant about 17 sustainable development goals for students of higher education institutions, is reached. During work on a research as Catharina interrelations of sustainable development goals have been established, a fact-finding course with the subsequent testing then the detailed analysis is carried out is conducted, conclusions are drawn. On the basis of this part of work as Catharina the grant for students which at the moment relevant and can successfully be used in education has been created. Collaboration with the undergraduate was effective and fruitful. Catharina instantly reacted to any remarks of the research supervisor (generally it were stylistic mistakes because Russian isn't native for Catharina). Catharina within two years of training worked steadily, with enthusiasm, evenly. There is a separate wish to note participation of the undergraduate in several scientific and practical conferences, her performances and publications. In my opinion, final qualification work of Catharina Perich is worthy excellent assessment.