Scientific Advisor Review Report on Master of arts in International Relations thesis of Torgul Musaev Entitled “Factors of Hybrid Warfare in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict” («Факторы гибридной войны в Нагорно-Карабахском конфликте») “International relations” 41.04.05 MA program «International relations (program in English)» 1. Quality evaluation (Оценка качества работы): № Evaluation criteria (Критерии оценки) (модель магистратуры: проверяемые компетенции) Grading scale: • Excellent (отлично) (5) • Good (хорошо) (4) • Satisfactory (удовлетворительно) (3) • Insufficient (неудовлетворительно) (2) Comments 1. Relevance of the problem) (Актуальность проблематики) (АОМ: ОКМ-13, 22; АМ: ОКМ-8,16, ПК-36; ПОМ: ПК-6) 5 2. Scientific contribution of the research (Научная новизна) (АОМ: ОКМ-13, 22; АМ: ОКМ-8,16, ПК-36; ПОМ: ПК-6) 5 3. Logic of the research aim setting, aim/purpose and objectives/tasks correlation (Корректность постановки цели, взаимосвязанность цели и задач) (АОМ: ОКМ- 9, 13, 32; АМ: ПК-10, 11; ПОМ: ОКМ-12) 5 4. Quality and analysis of sources (Степень разработанности источниковой базы и качество критики источников) (АОМ: ПК-17; АМ: ОКМ- 24; ПОМ: ОКМ-18, ПК-13) 5 5. Integrity of literature selection (Полнота и разнообразие списка использованной литературы) (АОМ: ПК-17; АМ: ОКМ- 24; ПОМ: ОКМ-18, ПК-13) 5 6. Correlation of the research methods and aim/goal of the research (Соответствие методов исследования поставленной цели и задачам) (АОМ: ОКМ-2; АМ: ОКМ- 10, ПК-26; ПОМ: ОКМ-11, 14) 5 7. Correlation of the research findings/results with the aim/goal and tasks/objectives of the research (Соответствие результатов ВКР поставленной цели и задачам) (АОМ: ОКМ-1,7, ПК-33; АМ: ОКМ- 17, ПК-12, 37; ПОМ: ОКМ-14, ПК-14, 17) 4 The results of the research might be presented in clearer way. The author didn’t focus on factors of hybrid warfare in the Conclusion of his thesis. Many issues of hybrid warfare were shadowed by other aspects of the conflict. 8. Quality of the text format (Качество оформления текста) (АОМ: ОКМ-1; АМ: ОКМ-8; ПОМ: ОКМ-7) 3 Errors in footnotes and the list of references; unbalanced structure of the thesis. 9. Conscientiousness of the student while working on the research (Ответственность и основательность студента в период работы над ВКР) (АОМ: ОКМ-23; АМ: ОКМ-19; ПОМ: ОКМ-13, 23, 27) 5 Medium grade: 4,7 2. Conclusion / recommendation to dissertation committee (Заключение/рекомендации членам ГАК): Torgul Musaev in his work proposed new vision for the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and application of Hybrid warfare principles to this conflict. From the position of the author, the factors of hybrid warfare include not only military tactics, but also many others elements from spheres of diplomacy, information policy, economy etc. That’s new view on the nature of hybrid warfare with use of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict as a case-study. At the same time the scholar often pays more attention to the context of the conflict (historical background of the conflict, problems of peaceful resolution, positions of the sides of the conflict), than to the detailed analysis of elements of hybrid warfare. It’s also necessary to make some remarks on the structure of the dissertation. Analysis of doctrines of hybrid warfare might be done in the framework of a separate chapter. The Introduction seems to be overloaded by narrative information that might be transferred to the main part of the thesis. Despite all these critical notes, the dissertation of Torgul Musaev is a creative and original research work, responding to all basic requirements. 3. Recommended grade (Рекомендованная оценка): Excellent (Отлично) June 3, 2018 PhD (Cand.Sc) in History, Associate Professor, Department of American studies, St.Petersburg State University Nikolai V. Fedorov