Master thesis of Abunagimov Eugene Vagizovich - independent study, performed at a high professional level. The author sets the goal of analyzing the problems of interaction between construction companies and authorities of St. Petersburg in the framework of the development of the housing construction system, as well as improving the business climate. The work consists of two chapters. Theoretical-in which the author considered the main approaches to the interaction of the parties, as well as practical, which contains an analysis of the experience of cooperation between developers and authorities of St. Petersburg in the context of improving the housing system and improving the business environment. Abunagimov E. in the dissertation demonstrates the ability to work with scientific literature widely uses materials of periodicals, Internet resources. Undoubtedly, the author is assisted in solving the tasks set in the work by interviews, analysis of government agencies ' websites, as well as analysis of secondary sources of information. Abunagimov E. rightly concludes that "the Development of housing construction and strengthening of interaction of business and government is being implemented with the direct participation of the Governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko and Vice-Governor I. N. Albina <...> To strengthen cooperation between developers and authorities of the important role of information technology. After the introduction of a Unified system of construction complex, created on the initiative of the Governor of St. Petersburg, it was possible to reduce the number of barriers noted by experts several times. Thanks to the system, it became possible to satisfy 87% of the appeals of developers submitted for the year <...> Business is overloaded with obligations, the responsibility for the execution of which should be borne by the city. Today, however, developers are forced to make a deal with the government, because such cooperation allows developers to obtain the necessary support of the administration, as well as decision-makers" (P.116-119). I would like to highlight the fact that the research materials were presented at a scientific conference in RANEPA in 2018 and published in the conference proceedings. Master thesis of Abunagimova E. fully complies with the requirements of the GEF IN the training of the master in this area and may be admitted to protection. This master's thesis deserves a high positive evaluation, and its author of the award of master's degree in the direction of 42.04.01 "Advertising and public relations". The uniqueness of the WRC text is 81 % (the examination of textual matches showed that the identified matches are of a technical nature – publications of normative legal acts, correct references to scientific sources of information, which makes them acceptable for consideration of WRC as an original work).