Elena Fisak studied in the magistracy of the Department of Ichthyology and Hydrobiology of St. Petersburg State University. She showed interest in synecological research in marine waters. As a topic of the dissertation research, she was suggested to study the seasonal changes occurring in the community of macrozoobenthos associated with the sea grass Zostera marina. This study falls well within the framework of a large project conducted by the Department to study the role of the three-spine stickleback in the ecosystem of the White Sea and, in particular, the thickets of sea grass, as the optimal spawning ground for these fish. During expedition work on the collection of material, Elena Fisak successfully mastered field hydrobiological methods and showed herself to be a reliable and executive field worker. Cameral material processing was personally conducted by the student (of course with the support and consultations of the department's specialists). Elena Fisak mastered the species definition of benthic invertebrates, the estimation of abiotic parameters of bottom sediments (particle size distribution analysis and content of organic substances in bottom sediment, obtaining the basic hydrobiological characteristics of communities.) In laboratory work, Elena Fisak showed herself to be a thorough and hardworking researcher, capable of fast and high-quality work, the volume of material processed by it - more than 150 benthos samples, a very useful trait for the future scientist. Elena Fisak successfully learned how to work with scientific literature, mastered modern statistical methods of data processing, scientific methodology of hydrobiological research. I want to note the ability of Elena Fisak to work with scientific literature and master new methods. Elena Fisak is very accurate person. The field part of the work, the laboratory processing of the material, its comprehension and writing of the work proceeded according to the schedule without serious delays and "storming" at the last moment, despite the abundance of material. This is a very important and pleasant trait of the future scientist. In general Elena Maksimovna Fisak is purposeful, knows how to plan work and conduct scientific research. In my opinion Elena Fisak is an established specialist who is able to successfully solve scientific problems in the field of hydrobiological and ecological studies. May 27 2018 Associate professor of the Department of Ichthyology and Hydrobiology of St. Petersburg State University PhD Ivanov M.V.