The opinion of the supervisor on Shilko Andrey Yuryevich's final qualifying work on the topic "Political philosophy of Russian anarchism: Genesis and ideological evolution". Final qualifying work Shilko, A. Yu., written on a topical scientific subject. The problem of the Genesis of Russian anarchism, its ideological evolution and axiological features are of great interest to domestic and foreign scientists. In the work of A. Yu., Shilko attempt to examine the theoretical and ideological foundations of the classical Russian anarchism and the peculiarities of its ideological evolution over H1H-XX centuries the Subject of analysis are the concept of the most interesting representatives of the domestic classical anarchism M. A. Bakunin and P. A. Kropotkin. The choice of their concepts is justified, because it reveals the features of the transformation of the ideas of Russian anarchism in the X1X–early XX century in connection with the assimilation of the concepts of foreign political thinkers, as well as socio-cultural conditions of the formation of Russia. A. Yu., Shilko on the basis of a concrete study of the writings of Bakunin and Kropotkin, works of foreign scientists reveals the features of the ideological evolution of the domestic from the individualistic anarchism of M. A. Bakunin anarchism, largely based on the assimilation of the ideas of Hegel to the positivist anarchism, P. A. Kropotkin. In this regard, the work consistently explores the specifics of their views on the state and law, attitude to the person, power and freedom, on this basis, a comparative analysis of these concepts. The study of the practice of anarchism took a special place in the work. Shilko, A. Yu., analyzes the utopian and the rationalist points of anarchism, identifying social problems, actualized the teachings of anarchism in Russia. At the same time, the reasons for the failure to implement the anarchist ideal are also legitimately determined. I believe that the work is quite independent, it demonstrates the ability of Shilko to explore complex scientific problems and successfully solve the tasks set in the preparation of WRC. On this basis, I believe that the work of Shilko deserves an excellent rating, and he was awarded the qualification of master in the direction 030100-Philosophy. 30 April 2018 Doctor of philosophy, Professor, Department of history of philosophy, Saint Petersburg state University, acting head of the Department I. D. Osipov