Response to the master's thesis of Anrey Prudnikov Mechanism Design Theory. The dissertation is devoted to one modern direction of the mathematical theory of games - Mechanism Design Theory. It provides a detailed overview of the current state of the theory, which is illustrated in numerous examples, and is carried out at a level allowing to include the overview in the teaching process on game theory and operations research. This is an essential advantage. It would be wrong not to mention the relatively good English language used in thesis, which, unfortunately, does not occur in other cases when the work is presented in English by foreign students. However, the most interesting section is devoted to the creation of an algorithm for the effective, acceptable and fair distribution of students to schools. For its implementation, an insignificant modification of the mechanism of Gale and Shapley (the so-called GS-Mechanism) was chosen. Its detailed analysis has been carried out and a software has been created in the C ++ language, which is implemented on a specific numerical material. The program is given in the appendix. Unfortunately, A.Prudnikov did not work quite actively during his studies at the magistracy. Despite the good general mathematical training and a certain background on the topic of the work that he got preparing his bachelor's thesis, he was not able to obtain results that could be presented for publication in scientific journals on applied mathematics. This circumstance is connected, first of all, with insufficient involvement in scientific work and rare contacts with the scientific leader. There is also no clear indication in the work of what the author did in his bachelor's work and what's new was introduced into the master's thesis. Taking into account all the above, I consider it possible to evaluate the work on GOOD (4). Scientific adviser, Professor, S.Chistyakov