Comment scientific supervisor of final qualification work Danielian, Shant Of Danielovich "Features of coverage of armed conflicts in the XXI century. US and Russian media in the context of strategic information warfare between the US and Russia» Shant Danielyan was trained in the master's degree in the profile of "international journalism"in 2015-2017. Last year, for a number of reasons, he did not finish his studies without preparing a thesis. Studied under Shant easily, not attempt significant effort. Good intellectual training, basic knowledge gained earlier in school and undergraduate, helped him to pass all subjects of intermediate certification on "well"and " excellent". During 2017 -2018 Danielyan worked as a correspondent in various publications: in the business edition of "Expert" North-West, in Business FM St. Petersburg, in the business edition of "Russian Railways-Partner" (Russian Railways). In the current academic year, he has recovered to complete his master's degree and has begun to prepare WRC. The original topic of the diploma work Shant changed, although the subject area of the study remained the same. And during the preparation of a new topic, many of the previous materials were in demand. Worked on diploma S. Danielyan with some regularity. Differing independence of thought, developed principles of work, he during the preparation of the detailed plan proposed and insisted on his version of the thesis, which in the final form and implemented. The initial point of work began with direct contact, and all the rest of the time the master's student periodically by mail acquainted the supervisor with their creative developments. Therefore, it can be noted that the main part of the work was performed by Shant independently, without the active participation of the scientific supervisor. As a result, we can see that Shant Danielyan showed diligence, diligence, organization and ability to analyze the acute social processes reflected in the media, but not the desire and desire to bring his work to the level of perfection, but which he is capable of. Scientific adviser Professor N. With Labush