REVIEW of the master's thesis by N. Tambiyeva The theme of the thesis is extremely relevant, given the current extent of international terrorism under slogans of Islam. N. Tambieva analyzed the main postulates of Huntington's approach and reasonably critisized his work, including the incorrect use of the concepts of "culture" and "civilization in particular. At the same time, she proposed a methodology for studying and interpreting the "conflict", based on a microhistorical approach, using the methods of qualitative sociology and socio-cultural anthropology. As a result, her case study clearly revealed that the "conflict of civilizations" is not based on the opposition (hostility) of cultures, but primarily political and economic factors. In general, it can be noted that Natalia Dmitrievna Tambieva demonstrated notable skills of analysis. Her master thesis meets all requirements for the "excellent" grade. Doctor of History, Professor V.Bocharov.